I know I said I didn't have much luck with the garden but I do have these two watermelon. One is small and inside the fence. I water it and the tomatoes regularly. No tomatoes though, just plants. But, one day dr was looking and found a BIG watermelon growing outside the fence. Today, after the storm, I went to check on it and when I moved it it came off the vine so I put it in the refrigerator. I hope it was ready. It weighed 28 pounds. The little one is still growing. Little one. Big one This one is not a watermelon. It is an eggplant. One of the guys at the farmer's market gave it to me. His garden seems to growing hummingbirds. One last picture. The morning glory vines on the front of the house are turning brown and are about ready to be pulled off. But we will enjoy Chance's vines that are growing up the steps from her yard to the back deck. We didn't plant these. I think we can thank the birds. dooley moderator's note: moved topic to more appropriate forum
WOW a 28lb watermelon - that sure is a BIG one!!! I hope it tastes as good as it looks. That eggplant really looks like a hummingbird doesn't it?
Ha! That's great, a 28 lb watermelon. Hope it's yummy. Wonder where your friend got his hummingbird seeds?
Great watermelon, hope it tastes wonderfully sweet. I was think about your Morning Glories yesterday as I pulled some of mine up that just couldn't stand the heat any longer, wondering if the heat had gotten them too.
Oh me, oh my! Those melons really do look good. That aubergine that l;ooks like a hummingbird to you, looks like a seagull to me. I've never seen a green one? Is this one ripe? Those morning glories really did perform well for you, didn't they. Good fotos, these.
That is a new eggplant to me, too. I've had the purple and white ones but this green one was new to me. It has a very mild taste and I mixed it with some yellow squash and onions and sauted it. It was very good. He said he just tried them this year. He'll have more this week, I hope. dooley
It sounds good to me, Dooley. It also looks quite slender, in contrast to the aubergines that I know. Very interesting.
Great melons Laura,Maybe that little one will grow up some day I hope it is nice and sweet for ya'll.