
Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by catkins, Jul 22, 2006.

  1. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
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    aint no sunshine
    Does anyone else on here have teens at home? Girls?
    We have had major drama here with my eldest, but its settling down again now.I get lots of advice from other mums, but i wondered if maybe some of you could share your nightmares with me.Its taken me over a long time to realise it isnt me,are there any other parents out there banging their heads against a brick wall? :-x

    Not sure if this is the right place to post Frank, apologies if it isnt.
  2. Gizmo

    Gizmo Animal Magnet

    Jun 5, 2006
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    Port Saint Lucie Fl.
    I think we should have a form on this lol. I could talk all day long on here and still not be able to tell all.
    Yes, I have a girl 16.
    Around 14 years old she pack her bags. (didn't have anywhere to go or plans. Just looking for attention.
    Everything was a drama. If it wasn't she made it one.
    A lot of lying.
    Started to get better just before 16. She knew she need to grow up. She has to be a young lady. This way she could start to drive. It was like over night. She is nicer too. Not that she was that bad but I pulled my hair out and the rest got gray lol. It's so different then it was years ago. Plus my grandparents raised me so I'm from the old school (talking no hitting) so I've been told by friends. I don't and never did allow lying or bad words. I Just go off if she did that. She would start then stop because she new. AND IT'S NOT U.
  3. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    aint no sunshine
    You know what? that sounds just like my daughter.Why do they think the world revolves around them? She has stolen from family, she tells lies all the time, more recently i have had the police on my doorstep.She is abusive towards me and is very dramatic
    I spent a lot of years bringing both girls up on my own, so i tend to put it down to that.This isnt how i brought her up, most of the time im at my wits end, just waiting for the next disaster.She was 16 on tuesday and is going to college in september, im praying she sticks with it!
    Sometimes i sit here and think, if i behaved like that, i would have got a good hiding, im 39 years old and still wouldnt dare to shout or swear in front of my mum.Its having respect for your parents isnt it? something my daughter is sadly lacking :(
  4. dooley

    dooley Super Garden Turtle

    Jul 3, 2005
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    If she's going to college at age 16 then she's coping with more than being a teenager. She must be very intelligent and that in itself is hard for a teen to deal with. Our youngest son went to college at 16 and had already been taking college courses for years. He was so different from his peers. He has a good friend who helped him a lot. He's doing well now. Girls depend on their peers to help them and if she's different from them it is harder for her to cope so she takes it out at home where she's not afraid of being disliked for herself. Dooley

  5. cajunbelle

    cajunbelle Daylily Diva

    Jun 4, 2006
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    zone 8b Louisiana
    I have a fourteen year old girl. She started trying to sneak out at night at age 12. She went from being an honor roll, Beta Club student to failing in the eight grade this past year, she has to repeat. We took her to the Dr., no drugs, at least that was a plus. Counseling, they suggested it but really didn't see a big problem with her. Just normal teenage stuff.
    For the past two years our life has been hell. She went to church camp last week and came back a different child. She has been in church all her life, baptised at 8, but she really saw the error of her ways during that week. She realized that although her actions were hurting us, and herself, most importantly they were hurting Jesus, and she didn't want that. Do we still have confrontations, yes, and we probably always will, but she is so different, and willing to listen. We will keep you and your family in our prayers, I know the nightmare you are going through.
  6. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I have to say I'm one of the lucky ones.With my daughter that is.She
    wouldn't miss school unless she was really sick .Didn't date until she was almost 17.She could have at 15.She had crushes but was really picky .That was a plus.The biggest problem with her was the telephone.She had a friend in Ft.Worth .Ran the phone bill sky high.
    She stayed with my mom after she started High School .If anyone ask her who her best friend was she said her grandmother not many would like that.My hubby and I worked nights to keep them from being by themselves they stayed together.They were a funny pair.Loved each other so much.
    She was also a Daddies girl.My mom died on Sept 5th 1998 and my husband died Sept 8th 1998 so it was a double whammy .She had moved to Houston and went to work and she kinda went nuts far a while but she wasn't never much trouble now on the other hand I can't say that abought my son.We just wont go there today.
  7. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    aint no sunshine
    Thanks for all those answers, i know it sounds daft, but the more i here that others have the same problems, the better i feel ( if that makes sense)
    Im hoping college will be the making of her Dooley ( kids cant start until they are 16 in England)Although i cant help being pessemistic as its a novelty and with my daughter, they soon wear off.
    Sneaking out is another problem i have to deal with, when i ground her, she gets out of the window!!!I will say in her defense, she has had a lot of emotional upset this past year.But it doesnt help when she shuts me out, i wish i could have my time with her all over again, then i could change some of bad things.Sad huh ??

    I applaud your daughter Glendann, thats a lot for a young girl to go through.Thanks for the prayers Sharon, it means a lot.

    Catkins xxxx
  8. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    Thank You Catkins ,She has grown into a beautiful young lady, wife and mother ,She has to take her depression meds for the rest of her life but she is a trouper and has been there for me always.She is on stew as
    Heathermt75.You just wait yours will be there too.My prayers are with you.
  9. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    While I dont have any childern, I can tell you how it was for me as a rebellious teenager. Noone could tell me anything. I knew it all. I wanted to be an adult..I had the body of one, why souldnt be one? No one got me. I was all alone in the way I thought. Nothing would set me off faster than adult telling me I was still a child or my biggest issue, they understood what I was going through. I felt all alone and no adult was allowed to see what was going on inside. Most adults were the "enemy". But the biggest thing was I thought I was going through, I was the only one in the world going through it and noone understood. The best thing my mom did for me was make me go to group therpy, with peers my own age. I saw that everything I was going through, there were others out there just like me and my age. It was god sent at that point in my life. I was on the fast track to prison or worse, dead.

    Just thought I would share that.
  10. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    aint no sunshine
    She sounds like a very special young lady, you must be so proud.
  11. catkins

    catkins Seedling

    Mar 23, 2006
    Likes Received:
    aint no sunshine
    Thank-you so much for sharing that with us,i can relate to a lot of what you are saying.I was a very quiet and shy child, so i dont understand her at all, not for the want of trying though.
  12. Pinkiered

    Pinkiered The Rose Queen

    Jan 2, 2006
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    Lawton, Ok
    I can tell you that you two have more in common than you think. While you were on the quiet side and she more vocal, the thoughts and feelings are just about the same. I was the loud "drama queen" and my older sister was the shy quiet one. But later we talked and found out, we were going through the same thoughts and feeling and thought we were alone in it. We are only 14 months apart.
  13. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I have friends that have gone through the same problems as you .Thamks Denee I will share your input to them.I was more like Heather .I wasn't shy as she was but wasn't a problem to my parents.
    I got into alot when I was young .I was a tomboy climb trees and played Cowboys and Indians Just a regular child.:)
  14. Primsong

    Primsong Young Pine

    Apr 15, 2006
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    I have a teen girl who is level-headed and tends to analyze whatever she is going through and to seek out advice.... then there is her sister who is coming up on being a teen and is an entirely different kettle of fish! You can have an influence, but quite a lot of it is just their own innate personality when they hit the turmoil of puberty - just keep on loving her, keep on accepting her.

    I hope it is better for all of you and that your household may find peace again very soon!
  15. Shanna

    Shanna In Flower

    May 19, 2006
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    Man my daughter is only 9 and it is scary just to think of her growing up.I wish she could stay 9 forever!!!

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