I have had a variety of these plants for a number of years now. The foliage is becoming increseingly ugly, but the blooms are still exotic and lovely to see. They have just now gotten their first blooms and I thought I'd show them. IU like this pink and white one perhaps the best-- ...but this peachy-pink coloured one is no slouch either--
Those are both equally gorgeous. Is that a red one behind the pink/white one or just the pink from another angle? I had a red one and a white one many years ago. I have two windows that would be perfect places for some now, just might have to pickup two or three.
They are beautiful, I haven't seen either of those colours before. I have an orange one which has had loads of blooms but the flowers are beginning to fade now.
I LOVE THAT YELLOW ONE!!! I wondered if there were yellow ones, now I know I have a white one on my desk that greeted me Monday morning. It is white with the slightest tinge of pink. Yours are much prettier than mine. Deanna :-D
Fab! I figure these are what I call Christmas Cactus. I have dark pink one and a white one, both in bud now. The white is a scruffy little specimen and I am planning to completely strip the plant in the spring and take loads of cuttings to try and make a bigger pot full of healthy young plants. I always mean to buy them up after Christmas when the garden centres sell them off cheap to try and get some different colours, but I am always broke by then, and forget! Must try harder.
oooh I realy like that tellow one. I used to have the pink one. I think I might have done it in by trying to take too many cuttings from it. I'll be buying another one this year for sure. Thanks for sharing.
Toni: No you saw it right--it is a red one. I often put the leaves of several different types in one pot. Hurry on down to the store and pick up a few while they are still in bloom...or do like EJ and miss the blooms this year, ansd pick them up after the blooming for a more reasonable price. GARDENGIRL: I have an orange one too--it's flower looks almost like a daisy. I am afraid that it may well die soon though, it isn't looking very well. I have seen the white ones with a tinge of pink--in fact I have one. I think that those are stunning. They remind me of a Fuchia sort that I used to have called "Annabell", I believe it was. Also a stunning flower. PETUNIA: I am sorry to hear about the passing of your plant. That is a shame. Maybe you can get some leaves from someone that you took cuttings for.
Here is a photo of my orange one Sjoerd. If yours dies I could take some cuttings and send them to you if you PM me your address. This one was given to me a few years ago by an 86 year old lady who lived near to us (now deceased sadly at the age of 95) She gave me two or three cuttings and it has grown into a lovely plant. I don't know how well they travel, I seem to remember sending EJ some cuttings a while back and wonder whether they survived.
Oooo, those are pretty Sjoerd! My first thought was what the heck is a Schlumbergera? Then I realized they are Christmas Cactus! Mine isn't looking too well I'm afraid
That's a lovely plant and flower, Gardengirl! It's not what I had in mind at all--for my orange one looks totally different. I have one that looks almost identical to yours, but it is definately red. I may well come creeping if mine dies--thanks for your offer. It is a shame that your neighbour-friend has passed away, but in this plant of yours, she lives on. Sorry Netty--I used the Latin name because I didn't know what you called them there, but I was pretty sure that it wouldn´t be the same name as we use in Dutch, hee hee hee. I want to thank all you folks for your nice comments concerning these pics. I am hoping that many of you will proudly7 show off your `christmas cacti` as well. I really do love seeing them, and I am curious what hybreds you folks have at home. I wonder if different hybrids are available in different countries.
Great pics Sjoerd, I like the pink one best, but they are both gorgeous! I don't have any Christmas catus, I have a hard time with any indoor plant. It's the outside ones I can grow, probably because the Good Lord helps me with the watering LOL! Anyway, thanks for sharing yours. Gardengirl, yours is really lovely also. Thanks for sharing.
Yes Pat, you did send me some cuttings - I will have to double check mine as mine are all intermingled, but I have a rotten feeling I only have the pink and white ones growing. Boohoo!
very pretty flower pics I have heard there are different types of cactus? I used to always think they were christmas cactus, but have heard there is also an easter cactus and a thanksgiving cactus. It depends on when they bloom? Anyone else hear this before?