Window Treatments

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by russian_GRL, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. russian_GRL

    russian_GRL New Seed

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Bay Area, CA
    Hi everyone.
    I need your help regarding window treatments.

    The largest wall in my livin room, the only one where I can position my 3 seat sofa has a big window. The window is 77" tall, 88" wide.
    The window is facing the street so I definitely need something there for privacy but still need to allow the light to come in. Also, since my sofa is pushed close enough to the wall, I can't use drapes or anything flowy and to the floor.
    I dont like the look of regular plastic blinds so these are out of the question. Any ideas what I can do? I just bought all new furniture for living room and everything looks so stylish except that baare window. I cant live it bare since I am very uncomfortable with the thought somebopdy can see inside my home in the evening.
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Two treatments come to mind.
    Cover the lower part of the window (at least the height of the back of the sofa) with Plantation shutters, they come in white, wood stain or unfinished so they can be painted the color of your choice. Then on the upper part of the window hang curtains of your choice that just skim the top of the shutters.

    Second...instead of using shutters on the lower section of the window, install a curtain rod just above the top of the sofa back and a curtain rod at the top of the window and have tiered curtains of your choice.
  4. Joan

    Joan Seedling

    Jun 19, 2007
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    There is a kind of window treatment whose name I do not know but maybe someone else here will recognize what I'm talking about. It lets a lot of light straight through a smooth solid surface that looks like lambskin or perhaps paper, but I think it is partly plastic. It comes in many soft colors and neutrals. The overall effect is kind of like a Japanese shoji blind. I think that it comes either on tracks so that they slide or on rollers that go up & down, or a combination of both movements. They take up little room and look good with a non-fussy decor.
  5. SusieQ07

    SusieQ07 In Flower

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Here's my big window about 13' across in the media rm.I love verticals and have them all over my home, I opted for the pvc not fabric, they have more weight to them, no chains on the bottom, come is all colores and textures, mine shimmer at night like satin brocade fabric, in some rooms I added curtains over top & valences to soften the effect,
    First pic. media rm.
    2nd. pic. guest suite sitting area:

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