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Hosta ventricosa

Type: Species | Edit History      Plant ID - 42953

Image added by
Christer Johansson (230)

Image 1 of 4
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1 rating

Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Liliales
Family: Liliaceae
Genus: Hosta
Species: Hosta ventricosa
Common Names add
Plant Types edit
  • Ornamental
  • Perennial
Zones / Hardiness edit
  • 3a (to -35 F / -37 C)
  • 3b (to -30 F / -34 C)
  • 4a (to -25 F / -32 C)
  • 4b (to -20 F / -29 C)
  • 5a (to -15 F / -26 C)
  • 5b (to -10 F / -23 C)
  • 6a (to -5 F / -21 C)
  • 6b (to 0 F / -18 C)
  • 7a (to 5 F / -15 C)
  • 7b (to 10 F / -12 C)
  • 8a (to 15 F / -9 C)
  • 8b (to 20 F / -7 C)
Height (Maximum) edit
  • 1 to 1 1/2 feet (30 to 45 cm)
Spread (Maximum) edit
  • 1 1/2 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm)
Flowering Start edit
  • August
Flowering End edit
  • October
Leaf Colour edit
  • Green - Dark
Leaf Shape edit
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Suitable For edit
  • Border/Bed
  • Container/Patio
  • Low Maintenance Garden
  • Woodland Garden
Sun Exposure edit
  • Partial Shade
  • Full Shade
Soil Types edit
  • Well-drained
  • Loamy / Medium
  • Sandy / Light
Soil pH edit
  • 7.0 (Neutral)
  • 7.1 - 7.5 (Very slightly alkaline)
  • 7.6 - 8.0 (Slightly alkaline)
  • 8.1 - 8.5 (Medium alkaline)
Bloom Colour edit
  • Purple
Wildlife Value edit
  • Bees
  • Hummingbirds
  • Slug / Snail Resistant
Propagation Techniques edit
  • Division
Skill Level edit
  • Beginner
Additional Short Notes add
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Members who grow this plant also grow...
  Hosta 'St. Elmo's Fire'
  Hosta 'Paul's Glory'
  Hosta 'Patriot'
  Hosta 'Thumbelina'

Contributors For This Plant
toni (36069)
Netty (13946)
Christer Johansson (230)

Gardens Containing This Plant
Netty's Garden

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Add Your Opinion About This Plant

Netty (13946) wrote on Aug 28 2009
Rating for this plant:
I love this Hosta! The leaves are a dark, glossy green that the slugs don't seem to like as much as others. The purple blooms are gorgeous and the Hummer's love them!

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Images for this Plant

Photo of Hosta ventricosa
Hosta ventricosa
photo / image / picture
Aug 26 2009
by Christer Johansson (230)
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3 people like this image
This image is copyright of member Christer Johansson (230).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Hosta ventricosa
Hosta ventricosa
photo / image / picture
Aug 28 2009
by Netty (13946)
I like this image
5 people like this image
This image is copyright of member Netty (13946).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Hosta ventricosa
Hosta ventricosa
photo / image / picture
Jan 28 2011
by Netty (13946)
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0 people like this image
This image is copyright of member Netty (13946).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Photo of Hosta ventricosa
Hosta ventricosa
photo / image / picture
Aug 26 2009
by Christer Johansson (230)
I like this image
4 people like this image
This image is copyright of member Christer Johansson (230).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.

Other names for this plant:
Bryocles ventricosa
Niobe coerulea
Niobe caerulea

This page includes name data supplied by View their own page for this plant.