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Pachyveria glauca

Type: Species | Edit History      Plant ID - 9002470

Image added by
purpleinopp (8118)

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Scientific Classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Rosales
Family: Crassulaceae
Genus: Pachyveria
Species: Pachyveria glauca
Common Names add
Plant Types edit
  • Drought Tolerant
  • Evergreen
  • Perennial
  • Succulent
  • Tropical
Zones / Hardiness edit
  • 10a (to 35 F / 2 C)
  • 10b (to 40 F / 4 C)
  • 11 (Above 40 F / Above 4 C)
Height (Maximum) edit
  • < 6 inches (< 15 cm)
Spread (Maximum) edit
  • 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm)
Flowering Start edit
  • Winter
Flowering End edit
  • Spring
Leaf Colour edit
  • Green - Medium
  • Blue
  • Burgundy
Leaf Shape edit
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Suitable For edit
  • Container/Patio
  • Alpine/Rock Garden
  • Miniature/Fairy Garden
  • Xeriscaping
Sun Exposure edit
  • Full Sun
  • Partial Shade
Soil Types edit
  • Well-drained
Soil pH edit
Bloom Colour edit
  • Red
  • Orange
  • Yellow/Gold
Wildlife Value edit
Propagation Techniques edit
  • Stem Cutting
  • Leaf Cuttings
Skill Level edit
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Contributors For This Plant
  purpleinopp (8118)
toni (36069)

Plant suggested by: purpleinopp (8118)

Gardens Containing This Plant None yet.

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Images for this Plant

Photo of Pachyveria glauca
Pachyveria glauca
photo / image / picture
Mar 23 2013
by purpleinopp (8118)
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This image is copyright of member purpleinopp (8118).
You must contact this member if you have a usage request.