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Aurinia saxatilis (Basket of Gold)

Date Action
Oct 26 2013Netty (13946) uploaded an image. View
Oct 21 2009Tammyd (1215) added "Container/Patio" to Suitable For
Oct 21 2009Tammyd (1215) added "Grey-Green" to Leaf Colour
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "syn. Alyssum saxatile" to Additional Short Notes
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "Insect Host" to Wildlife Value
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "Bird - food (fruit/berries/insects/seeds)" to Wildlife Value
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "Butterflies (nectar source)" to Wildlife Value
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "Bees" to Wildlife Value
Apr 29 2009toni (36069) added "June" to Flowering End
Jul 28 2008Netty (13946) added "7b (to 10 F / -12 C)" to Zones / Hardiness