My greenhouse (serre or sera in Turkish), is mainly for wintering of the collection.
The sunny time is not enough in it. It is due to the obligatory position of the greenhouse in the backyard. So, most of the plants stay outdoor from May to October.
This wall greenhouse is in backyard of my house and built in September 2005. Its frames are PVC and its panes are made by heat keeping double glasses. It has a locked door and a transom for ventilation. There are a thermostatically controlled fan heater and a remote sensor for max.-min.temperature and humidity in it. The latter sends radio waves to the weather station in the home.
Greenhouse is armed with ten Fluora sun-light fluorescent tubes (18W, by Osram). In dark winter days, they open 14 hours a day.
The serre is small (170x150x220 cm) but very handy, especially for wintering of the collection.
Nowadays, there are about 450 species, subspecies, variety and forma in it. I usually keep only one sample for a taxon. Cause, I have a very limited space.
I have portable mini-serre for wintering of special cold hardy species, like Sclerocactus and Pediocactus.