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My new masterpiece?

My new masterpiece?

Photo added: Apr 25 2010

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Description: I recently acquired this lovely patio set from the Monday Sale here. In this picture Dad and I have painted it and upholstered the seats. He is getting ready to seal this wood to get ready for my pattern. Next, I hope to do a mosaic table top. I'll keep you posted and may need some help. OK?

Photo Comments:
Cayuga Morning wrote on Sun Apr 21, 2013 1:39 pm:
I love it Chrikat! I love the color choice and look forward to seeing the mosaic on it. Please post photos when you are done!

chrikat wrote on Sun Apr 25, 2010 7:20 am:
I recently acquired this lovely patio set from the Monday Sale here. In this picture I have painted it and upholstered the seats. Next, I hope to do a mosaic table top. I'll keep you posted and may need some help. OK?

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