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salvia black and blue up close
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Crinum and bunny

Crinum and bunny

Photo added: May 26 2010

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Description: forground green airplane plants as a border, purple wandering jew,and far right nandina. The other crinums are from a friend who lived in oldest part of Baton Rouge. The plants are heirloom from her yard. Two are light pink the other is dark pink they usually have blooms 4th of July.

Photo Comments:
  featherphobia wrote on Tue Jun 29, 2010 3:51 am:
This one has a pink stripe, I have the light pink and a hot pink, they all came from the down town Baton Rouge area.

  cajunbelle wrote on Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:18 am:
My dark pinks are just beginning to bloom, I also have milk and wine,and I am looking for solid white ones.

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