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My Fishes

My Fishes

Photo added: Jun 09 2010

 White Plumeria
White Plumeria >>


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Description: I have had as many as 28 in my pond but we are down to 8 now we had a very hard time with it cracking and leaking from old age and roots. We worked and worked ,mostly Chas. But it's in much better shape now. Water-fall to follow...

Photo Comments:
  Lil Bug wrote on Sat Jun 19, 2010 2:07 am:
Hello Jewell Not yet, I just found you a bit ago and as you know from your own place , we spend a lot of time outside .Not a bunch of time left to type.But I'll get to it soon.I'm off to see if you have a blog.

  Jewell wrote on Fri Jun 18, 2010 12:15 pm:
I was looking for a story about your pond and fish in the forums or blogs. Is there one? Love your pond and the fish. Looks like yours beg for food like mine.

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