I got hold hold of a whole heap of metal, red powder coated boxes of uniform size. I cut the top off bottom out of one and rivet them together and bolt on a tall pole. We're putting these up here so we can grow lettuce, cherry tomatos, small vegies and herbs etc and harvest off the balcony and steps. Out of reach of the dogs and crawling insects, it will also be very convenient for us. We'll put a couple down lower, at chest height from the ground, and I hope they will look pretty funky in a staggered arrangement. The vegie boxes on the ground will accomodate the deeper rooted vegies. The ground here is too rocky, acidic, dry and minerally imbalanced to do extensive planting of hungry vegies in the ground. Over seasons the soil will improve but for now all vegies in containers. That's some cos lettuce which has been getting a good munching on, leaf by leaf. Will put in probably another 10 or so boxes. |