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Bantams with guinea fowl & bantam eggs

Bantams with guinea fowl & bantam eggs

Photo added: Aug 23 2010

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Photo Comments:
  Frank wrote on Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:32 pm:
Yes, please do! :)

  debbieteale wrote on Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:35 am:
Well, much time has passed, however not a lot has changed. The chook who was sitting hatched out two chickens, and it seems they're not Guinea Fowl, but bantam chicks. We'll be happy anyway. We also have the other two bantams sitting on eggs now, and they must be about to hatch surely..... Can't wait. It's so exciting, wondering what, and how many might hatch. I'll have to post some pics of the chicks.

  Frank wrote on Sun Oct 17, 2010 11:12 am:
Any updates on the chooks Debbie?

  debbieteale wrote on Mon Aug 23, 2010 6:23 am:
These little bantams are great for scratching the soil up, and love sitting on eggs to rear chicks. It doesn't seem to matter what type! These are 7 Guinea Fowl eggs, and the remainder of her own. when she's laid enough she'll probably sit on these and hatch them.

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