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Easter Lily
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Day Lilies

Day Lilies

Photo added: May 08 2009

Day Lilies - close up
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Description: These orange ones are from my mom's house. They were her favs.
I watched them bloom since I was a baby and now it doesn't feel like home if I don't have some around.

Photo Comments:
  cherylad wrote on Fri May 29, 2009 1:00 pm:
Karen... thanks for the kind words. To me, it's just not home without these orange day lilies... they were one of my Mom's favorites!

  Karen Hancock wrote on Fri May 29, 2009 5:57 am:
Your plants are really beautiful, and your photos are great. This one of the lilies is gorgeous, with the porch in the background. I think I will add some day lilies to my own yard...your pictures have convinced me that I must. Thanks for posting all these pixs.

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