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Crocus chrysanthus "Cream Beauty"
<< Crocus chrysanthus "Cream Beauty"


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Crocus chrysanthus "Tricolor"

Crocus chrysanthus "Tricolor"

Photo added: Nov 20 2008

Crocus chrysanthus "Zwanenburg Bronze"
Crocus chrysanthus "Zwanenburg Bronze" >>


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Photo Comments:
  ophelia wrote on Fri Feb 27, 2009 8:40 pm:
Me too. The paler blue purple really accentuates the depth of the yellow beautifully. And the shape of the flowers draws your focus centrally too (well i think so anyway!) I could look at them for hours.

  glendann wrote on Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:44 am:
I love the color of these .I would love them in my yard.

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