I have a couple of rose bushes in my flower bed and every year the japanese beetles tear the yellow ones up. Why this predisposition torwards yellow I don't know. I use the a 3 in 1 product that you mix with water and feed to the plants now that takes care of my thrip problem and feeds the rose well but no relief from the biblical plague of beetles! aNYBODY KNOW OF ANYTHING THAT WILL STOP THEM SHORT OF A WELL AIMED SHOTGUN :twisted:
Yes japanese beetles are HORRIBLE but you can keep them away....Arm yourself with...HOT SAUCE and BEETLE TRAPS. Mix 2 tablespoons of tabasco sauce in a 1 little spray bottle of water. Spray the plants. The diluted mixture is still too hot for beetles and they will go away. You can also but a bowl of beer on the ground and they will go there, get drunk and drown. You local garden center should sell japanese beetle traps, place these around the yard. Hope this helps save your roses. They attack my string beans and blackberries. This year the HOT SAUCE will stop them! Good Luck.
Thanks Gardenmama. I started using a Neem oil product hopefully that will stop them. Now they have been checking out my cucumber plants but don't seem to interested Hmmmmm :?:
plant chives or garlic near it....they dont like it i think we only have this bug in south louisiana but i am unsure there is some stuff you can buy to put into your grass to kill it also
Japanese Beetle Invasion Hello Everyone, I'm new to this forum, but have been lurking for awhile trying to find help with the JB invasion. This year is the worst we've had in this area since the JB arrived 4 or 5 years ago. We live in SW Missouri, and these bugs are eating everything in sight. Even plants and shrubs they aren't supposed to like. It's like a war zone outside during the middle of the day, they are so thick they hit you in the head. There hasn't been a natural remedy, or a chemical compound I haven't tried, until tonight. I had to share this with the rest of you having the same problem. Some of you may not like to use chemicals and I understand, I don't either, but after today fighting these destroying insects I was ready to try anything on the market. My husband had some stuff he bought a couple years ago, and found it tonight and told me to try it. I did, and on my cherry there were thousands if not millions of beetles, and I sprayed the tree with this and they came falling down, some hung on for 15 minutes or so then they fell too, and they were on the ground in swarms dead or dying and not another beetle in the tree. The name of this product is Hi-Yield Kills a Bug 2, and I mix it in a 2 gallon sprayer, using 5 tablespoons. It last 5 to 7 days that is without rain which we've have every 3 days, but in a normal year you don't have to spray that often. I really don't like to kill anything, and really a wuss, but when it comes to these beetles, it actually gave me pleasure watching them die and knowing they won't be reproducing..... Hope this is some help to you. Val
Treat your yard with Milky spore. It kills the grubs and therefore no beetles. You need 3 applications. One this fall, one next spring, then one last time next fall and they'll be gone. After the 3 applications the milky spore stays effective in your yard for 25 years. It is a SAFE and NATURAL remedy.