I got this old seed sower last night.Years ago it was hooked up to horses or mules to sow seeds with.I just set this pot on it so it didn't look so bare I need to put something on it to stop it from rusting anymore and what color do I paint it or do I need to let it stay natural.I really need some help as I don't want it setting on bricks to make it stand up off the ground.
I like stuff left natural but if you really want to paint it, how about black. It looks great the way it in. Looks like a neat find to me Glendann. Bravo!
That's a very attractive piece of garden junk! I've no idea what you ought to do with it, but it really is a pretty thing.
I love that piece of garden junk! Imagine it all covered with a vine and flowers...it will be so cute!
That's a cool piece of garden art/junque. You probably should put something on it to prevent further rusting but I wouldn't paint it. Home Depot, Lowes or a farm supply business such as Tractor Supply will have what you need to use. Randy's dad has an old plow waiting for me next time we are down there in the pickup truck.
Well if you do decide to paint it...I would suggest painting it red. It is a nice-looking thing just the way it is though. Congrats on the new aquisition.
If you don't want to paint it Glenda but don't want it to rust any more either then here's a tip for you. My neighbour, Tom, had an old rusty anchor and he painted it with a clear, matt varnish. Now it still looks old and rusty but hasn't deteriorated any more over the last ten years. Great find by the way. I would love to discover something like that for my own garden.
I had one of these at my house and when I moved into my mobile home, I gave it to my DIL. I had mine leaning up against a tree. Would that work for you? By the way... how did you come by it? Lucky find!
Thank you all for all the great comments and great advise. My neighbor had it and needed gas.I gave him $20.00 for it and he delivered it to my house.It was here when I got home last night.I have but a few trees but could lean it on my chinaberry tree.I think I will but will do as toni said.I don't want it to keep rusting.
i have seen a lot of old machinery painted in red and green say a green frame with a red wheel but maybe the green would blend in with the grass i think the idea of varnishing it sounds good, it is beautiful a real treasure to have found