As most of you know i had to start over this summer with most of my veggies, due to wandering sheep. Well here we go now after a month of new planting. The midnight sun is gone now, but we still get about 20 hours of sun. Altho night is not what you can call night at all. Its still light out. This is what is helping my plants take off and work double time. Okay along with some organic fertalizers as well. So here is what i took pics of today. The potatoes were planted in late june, early july and i am now getting flowers on them, so pretty soon i'll fresh Mandle Poteter, or almond potatoes. Remember what they looked like a few weeks ago. I'd say they have made up for lost time! Here is my broccoli that was planted a month ago. Looking pretty good so far. Some cabbage that was planted 3 weeks ago. I had to start over completely with it. from seed to this now. And finally, I just wanted to sit myself down in the middle of this field and eat myself silly! lol. Strawberries! And OMG they was so good! Well you know i did have to do a quality control check. I mean i did have see if they was ripe enough. They are, i have the juice stain on the shirt to prove it. lol. I did harvest alot of strawberries, bagged and got them in the freezer. Later i'll make all kinds of goodies from them. But this bowl is for tonight, Strawberry Shortcake! Now if i can just find a good hiding place so KB don't eat them all before i put the dessert together. I have more comming, lots more strawberries, they are only really just beginning, and i have more pics of the fields. I just happen to be watering those today.
So is Uncle forgiven or are his ears still burning? Everything looks really great considering the short amount of time it has been growing. I'm thinking locking KB out of the house until dessert is ready is probably the only sure fire way of still having those strawberries to make dessert from.
He's still in trouble. I swear he turns his hearing aids off the minute he sees me,,,lol. When KB came home i threatened him with bodily harm if he even thought of touching one of the strawberries,, he just said,,ja,ja,,as he bit into one. So i hid them, i hope. So i'm going out to whip the cream up and put it all together, so i can calm down and stop worrying if theres any left. lol. That should make him happy.
There you go,, it made me happy too! Strawberry Shortcake from my own strawberry field. Anyone want some too!!
Wow, that is a fast garden recovery, Biita. Great going! I sure would love to share in your bounty if we were a little closer. Gardengater
Biita you HAVE GOT TO STOP showing us all the food you make. I'm hungry now and all my strawberries are finsihed for this year. Yours do look rather delicious I have to admit. I think I'd be fighting KB for some!!! I'm so glad your crops are doing well for you and I just hope that no more sheep get nesr them all.
Everything is looking fabulous Biita! What a comeback! If I lived there, you would have to hide the berries from me too
It's all looking just great, Biita. What a comeback! Those strawbs look supurb. I'm going out to a supplier to get some plants for a new plot day after tomorrow. It was so good to see your strawberry shortcake with whipped cream. Your 'taters and brassicas are looking very good now. You keep up the good work now cos I will be waiting to see some harvest shots.
Everything looks like it's coaming along great, who'd ever thought of fresh strawberries in Aug, they look delicious though.
If I were there I would have been quality control right along in that field with you.Tasting and testing I would love a garden like yours Biita.It has sure grown.You should be real proud of the way it has made a come back.
way to go there. As many strawberries as we had, they were eaten up the same day they were picked. I only got to put 2 gallon bags in the freezer. everything else was eaten. Your garden is looking subperb. Great job.
Thanks all! Normally i would of picked broccoli by now, the cabbage would have formed their heads, all the potatoes would of had flowers and i would be pacing to start pulling. But everything got eaten, or trampled so i had to start over. The strawberries thankfully we had in a seperate field with a few other veggies. But i check on those everyday. August is normal for strawberries here in the Arctic. My beans and peas i had to start over from scratch, so they are very little right now, but i did notice they have flowers on them yesterday. So maybe there is hope! lol. Thanks all.
Wow, it's amazing what can happen with so much sunlight! Though I gotta say, I'm wildly curious about what fertilizer is behind those big, fat berries!
Everything is looking good Biita. And yes, you can count me in for some strawberry short cake...please!