Strange topic, sorry

Discussion in 'The Village Square' started by muddybob, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. muddybob

    muddybob In Flower

    Jul 17, 2006
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    WA st.
    I got to wondering after reading about poor Toni hearing Rambo bark after he passed and Eileen and I having similar experiences with our dogs, have many others had these experiences? Just before Maisie got ill I felt Hester's (three years deceased) presence very strongly. Another time I was petting Maisie and I heard the word "cancer" spoken. No one else was there. These things puzzle me. For the most part I do not believe in an afterlife or psychic phenomena. But then there are things that make me doubt myself. Are we just so connected to our animals that our subconscious mind has picked up on things that our conscious mind won't? Has our mind, reluctant to let go of our dear friends, produced the bark? Or do you believe that there is something more spiritual happening?
    Another thing happened recently to me that I just can't explain. I'd like your suggestions as to an explanation. I believed rescue of Ingrid B. and other hostages in Columbia to be true a full day before it actually happened. I could not remember where I'd heard it and could not understand why it was not all over the news. I was absolutely astonished when I found out it did not happen until the next day.
    This is strange stuff and I am hesitant to share it with people that I know but feel slightly more comfortable asking you about it. Hope you don't think I'm too strange.
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  3. bunkie

    bunkie Young Pine

    Aug 7, 2008
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    eastern washington
    nope muddy. imo, you're not strange. in the last couple of years, we've lost some very dear animals and friends, and believe it or not, we have always seen them in our fields for a few days after their passing.

    when my dad passed in Maine in 98, i was here in Washington with hubby, and in touch by phone with my brother and sister and step mom. while speaking to them about his within minutes passing, i noticed our lights flickering. i mentioned it to the kids, and sure enough theirs started flickering too! later that day, our power went totally out. guess dad was really powerful...just kidding, but who knows! talked to my siblings later that night, and they said that light bulbs were blowing out all day at dad's house. luckily for hubby and me, dad knew we were broke and couldn't afford new bulbs and just blinked them! :)
  4. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I usually say that there's more between heaven and earth than anywhere else, whether we are firm believers or ingrained sceptics.
  5. gardenmama

    gardenmama In Flower

    May 26, 2008
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    My mothers best friend had several horses and rode all the time. the horses were calm most of the time. My mothers best friend passed this past November. A few weeks after her death her neighbors asked her husband what time she had passed away. When he said 4am they went pale. Her horses went absolutely crazy at exactly the moment she died. We all think she had to stop by home and say good bye before she left this earth.

    If you can't explain it just means that...strange and wonderful things do happen.

  6. playtime8978

    playtime8978 In Flower

    Jul 18, 2008
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    blackpool england
    i totally believe in afterlife for both humans and pets a few years ago when my 19 year old cat died a few days later i felt him curled up on my bed by my legs as he always used to sleep with me and i also seem to remember when i was quite young and we lost our dog that i heard her barking and recall the other dog starting to jump up and bark when no one was there i am sure sceptics can put explanations to them all but i like to think our little friends do not leave us they merely cant be seen my mother in law passed in jan and we had 2 visits to a friend she dissapproved of in a row we came out nd our car was not right first time the battery was flat and the second time the tyre was flat i belive she was playing with us lol also when i was very sick and very down i sudddenly smiled and had the most wonderful memories of being with my granny as a child and i believe that was her way of communicating with me to help at a difficult time
  7. tschnath

    tschnath In Flower

    Mar 6, 2008
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    Southern Maine (zone 5)
    Things do happen that can't be explained, why couldn't there be a place between heaven and earth? I've had things happen before that make me question it. If your strange Muddy, so are the rest of us...
  8. Biita

    Biita Arctic-ally Challenged Forager

    Oct 31, 2007
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    There's nothing strange at all with what one believes in. Theres more to life and whats around us, but we all have to be open to whats there, in order to accept it. Thats why i have my motto.

    Have faith in what you believe, or don't believe at all. That pretty much applies to everything a person can have a belief in.
  9. Quietly Awesome

    Quietly Awesome Seedling

    Jul 7, 2007
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    On the morning of March 24th, this year, my phone rang at 4:50 am. DH answered it, and no one was there. At that time of the morning, you know something is wrong. He *69'd it, and it said that the call came from my mom's house. I called her house, and the line was busy. Instead of waiting and trying again, we just got dressed and went over there. A mile from her house, we could see the orange glow of the fire. Her house was totally engulfed with flames. My sister made it out, but Ma didnt. In replaying the events with my sister, she (my sister) had tried to call 911, probablly around 4:30, but the phone was dead. The Coroner placed my moms time of death at approx. 4:50 a.m. If the phone was dead at 4:30, then how did that call come in to me from that phone at 4:50? I beleive it was either my dad (passed 4 years ago) telling me to get my @$$ down there, or my mom.... telling me she was home (with my dad). :'( :oops: :'(
  10. jillh

    jillh New Seed

    Jul 10, 2008
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    Mississauga ON
    Birds and our loved ones

    I think that we do feel the presence of those passed on. Every once in a while when I am feeling really low or if something really exciting or even really sad has happened a bird will go by. It's uncanny how often it happens and I believe that it's my mom who passed away 12 years ago. She loved birds and passed that love on to me and I think she can keep her eye on me through those birds.
  11. jakrum421

    jakrum421 Seedling

    May 27, 2008
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    My mother passed 2 years ago and she and I had a very close special relationship. About 6 months after she died, I found out that I was pregnant. Both of my previous pregnancies, which had resulted in my 2 sons, were only achieved with thousands of dollars in fertility treatments. I just knew that it would be a little girl and it was my late mother's intervention from beyond that made it possible. She had always wished for me a special mother-daughter relationship of my own.

    Also, in the weeks before we found out the sex of our daughter, we had a huge migration of red admiral butterflies in our area. It was the largest in more than 20 years. My hubby and I had already decided that if this baby were a girl, we would name her Vanessa. It was a big surprise and coincidence to find out on my computer that these beautiful butterflies congregating in our yard were known more formally as Vanessa Atalanta. The next day, we found out that the baby was indeed a little girl. I've always felt that my mom sent me a special flock of "angels" to announce her blessing of this child.

    Yeah, it might be a stretch of coincidences and imagination, but it sure made me feel my mother's presence.
  12. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Location: 5
    Things like that do happen..My husbands sister was killed in a auto accident, a cement truck hit her when she was almost home. We were sitting having dinner and all of us were at the table and all of a sudden the water went on full force in the had been a while since someone was in there... Never had happened before and never happened after that...we were waiting to tell my husbands parents that she was killed....they had a 2 hour trip to get to our house and it was Dad's birthday...

    weird or unexplainable things do happen in this world.
  13. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Living with all your senses at the ready and being open to possibilities, you can find that there is much more to this world than there appears to be on the surface.

    My thoughts on the subject.......
    When the body of a loved one dies, human or pet, the spirit/life energy/soul (different cultures call it by different names) remains and is attached to us. The connection is never broken but it has to be thinned in order for the hurt felt by the living to heal and their life to regain it's balance. The departing one knows that and each one uses their own method of 'telling' the living goodbye and giving them comfort thru the grieving process. It could be a thought --'oh, he's not hurting anymore' or a sound that only you hear -- your name being said lovingly or the bark of a younger, happy black doggy or in all the ways that have been mentioned here by others.
  14. Wrennie

    Wrennie In Flower

    Nov 21, 2007
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    Catskill Mountains NY
    People are taught that there are no such hings as ghosts or psychic abilities. I guess no one taught our pets that so they know they can come and visit.
    My experiences are way to long to post here. I have had visits from pets in my dreams as well as when awake. People tho, except for 1 special friend, come primarily to me in dreams. I belong to a forum that is focused on "ghosts" if anyone is interested just LMK. Skeptics welcome too.
  15. Capt Kirk

    Capt Kirk Thank a Veteran today!

    Sep 10, 2005
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    Ohio, USA
    When my father-in-law passed away he had been in the hospital for several days. He died just after midnight on Easter morning. About 11 pm that night, the nurse was checking on him to see how he was doing. He spoke several words, but she couldn't make out what he had said. So she asked him if he was speaking to her. He said no, that he had spoken to his sister who was at the foot of the bed. The nurse looked and there was no one there. What my father-in-law did not know and could not have known was that his sister had passed away about 2 hrs. earlier. About an hour later he died peacefully with a smile on his face.
  16. Calomaar

    Calomaar Deputy's Friend

    Mar 2, 2007
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    Land O' Lakes, Wisc. Z - 3b/4a
    I think that there may be something to this whole idea of some sort of communications after death. We lost our much loved Deputy at the end of June, and since then I have had several experiences that I first accepted as my mind playing tricks on me. Deputy woke me most mornings with a need to go outside and do his business. He often went for a walk, who knows where. Some times he would be out for a half hour, roaming about in the woods. I often went back to the warm confines of my bed, and just as often would dose off again. When Deputy was ready to come back in he would come to the front door and bark. He would give me time to get there, and if I didn't show, he would bark again. On several occasions since he passed, I have gotten out of bed and rushed to the front door to let him in, after hearing his bark, only to find, and remember that he is gone. Once recently in the dark of night, I was up to use the bathroom, and on the way back to bed, I stepped on what I thought was Deputy, at the spot where he usually lay at night. In the morning I found his toy laying there. How it got there from the spot in my closet where I had stored all his old toys and things is a mystery. When we built the house a couple years ago, I put in some floor warming for the tile floors in the bathrooms, and I included a spot in my bed room for Deputy. His bed and a towel that was his, are still there, and on two occasions, I awoke, looked over there, and I swear that I saw him laying there in the moonlight. All the above can likely be explained away rationally, but I would rather believe that he stops in from time to time to be with us.

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