The trumpets and orientals are blooming now, this is "Triumphator", a trumpet: "Tom Pouce", it takes a bit of rain without much damage: The "Stargazer", definately not one for wet weather: This one is probably a lily species, but I can't remember which one: And that giant of a lily they keep insisting is L. canadensis: It's heather time, this one has balloon-like blooms: A summer-flowering one, "Kathinka": Crocosmia "Lucifer" and "Emily MacKenzie" in a not-very-planned mix: The little Geranium "Ballerina": Gentiana makinoi: A tiny Lewisia, it came from my gardening idol, as an extra bonus: The Buddleia, with a butterfly too, what could be better? And the Eupatorium also had a visitor today, the admirals are here: Even the Inula had one sitting on it: This poor thing has been neglected for years. I moved it this spring and now it's blooming: The Clematis is doubly pretty with both blooms and seed heads: For those of you with no Heuchera, I recommend it. It's been lovely all season: The Hydrangea paniculata is doing well this year, one of the few things that actually look lush: I can't remember what this is either, sorry, but it's in the alpine border: Hosta "Guacamole" is looking good now too: It's nearing autumn, even though I hate to admit it.
Wow you sure have one heck of a display there. Beautiful. I'm not sure i can pick one that i like more..they are all so equally beautiful. Fall almost there,,lol. It is here, for us. The leaves are all turning already, and starting to drop. The grass is all dying. Almost everything is done blooming, just a few wild flowers is left now... enjoy it while you can, it will be there real soon,,,,,,
Thank you both, I'm really enjoying myself outside now. The oriental lilies have such strong perfume, it fills the entire garden. I've still got more flowers coming, so autumn had better stay away for another month.
What a wealth of plants and blooms. I can imagine the scents wafting from them. No wonder the butterflies love your garden. Gardengater
What an astounding array of plants and colours you still have in your garden. I have the same clematis as you and I've had to prune it back twice already as it just grows and grows.
Thank you both. The only butterflies we've had so far are the white ones whose larvae eat the big leaves of the Crambe. I'm pleased to see the admirals now. We might have a warm and dry autumn this year. Last year the orientals were washed away, and rotted in bud. We cut that clematis so hard every other year, there's nothing but the thick stem left. We didn't do anything with it this spring, but next year we need to prune it properly again.
Droopy, I am always stunned by the amount of wonderful plants you have growing in your garden. What a joy! I love the gentian, such a lovely blue, and I have inulas and I love their scruffy daisy like flowers.
Oh yes...yes, yes, yes! This collection is supurb. You still have alot going on there, Droopy. That Clematis tangitica(?) looks splendid. The Tiger-lily looking thing looks so gorgeous against the sky as a backdrop. In fact they are ALL quiter inspiring to see.
That's a very nice collection there Droopy, I like the orange mix, they look like they belong together.
Droopy, your garden is beautiful. Can't pick a favorite one. Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers with us.
Thanks all, you're very kind. I've got Inula seedlings for everyone, just come get them. The makinoi self-seeds now and then. I've tried to collect seed from it, but they're a bit hard to find, They have to be there somewhere, right? That lily is about 2 meters/ 6 foot 6, and just plain different, which is why we grow it. I can't pick a favourite either, truth be told.