Question About an accesory for Fiber Optic Grass

Discussion in 'Gardening Other' started by CWBYDAY, Aug 18, 2008.


    CWBYDAY New Seed

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Hello everyone,

    I'm new here, so if I'm not going with the current flow of the site I apologize. I had a question about some Fiber Optic Grass that a friend recently bought for me, she bought it at a nursey on the way to my house, and it needs to be replanted. It's still in the square starter container, and it needs to get out of there! My question is, when I was doing research online for info., I noticed that almost every image I looked at had a white pipe that the grass was going through for support. Most of the images were with a white colored pipe, that resembles PVC pipe, and then at the top where the grass came out it was a darker color. Does anybody have any idea what type of accessory that is? I'm sire that it's used for other plants as well, but I've never seen one, & I would like to replant it with one of those, so that I don't upset it in the future. Any feedback or ideas would be great. Thank you! :rolleyes: ;) :-D
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    You have nothing to apologize for. You have a question and put it in the correct problem :D

    Have you seen the lighted balls with the optic fibers in them, the light changes color and when you touch the ball the fibers move with your hand?
    It sounds like some are trying to give the Fiber Optic Grass a similar look simply as a decorative idea.
    The white pipe is not required to grow the plant. It forms a small mound and really doesn't need support.

    I had four in the ground last year, the heat/drought killed off two. I moved the others to a large tub last fall and they overwintered just fine. I know our winters are mild down here but we did have a couple of days of light snow and ice. ;)

    CWBYDAY New Seed

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Pittsburgh, PA
    Toni, Hi! I do know what you mean about the lighted kind, I have several that I display around my house. Okay then, I'll just go ahead and repot them in their respective containers. Thank you very much and have a great day!

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