I never thought I would see any of those Tango-series lilies this season, but one managed to bloom, and it's looking fairly good too. This is Lilium asiaticum 'Orange Art': A small Papaver that lives in the rock border. It's good at self-seeding and I don't mind: This Sedum is so pretty, with the purple and red: The yellow stonecrop really brightens a grey day: A mini Silene that keeps going, weather disregarding. It's got a Helleborus seedling, but I don't want to transplant that before spring: The Buddleia is doing very well, I'm so pleased: Roscoea bought this spring. I didn't think I would see blooms on it, but suddenly there was one: The rest of the garden is slowly dying back.
It all still looks great Droopy. Lucky you to have blooms still! I have very few left. We are well underway in Autumn here.
Wow...Looking good, Droopy. I´ll bet yoiu are well chuffed that the Tango came through for you this year after all. It is a grand piece of work. Those little rock border gems are also looking quite attractive this morning. Your Buddleia hasd a super bloom tail on it. Pretty as a picture. That yellow stone crop looks so yellow, almost luminescent. It really DOES brighten up your garden even on an overcast day. Well done, you.
Your gorgeous Tango lily looks as though it's been sprinkled with gold on top of the purple - what a beautiful flower - so unusual.
Thank you all. It's good to see that some plants give us a positive surprise with so many refusing to bloom at all this year. The Tango-lily looks like an orange lily that has been spray painted with brown, and that's the effect I really like about the Tango lilies.
Droopy, it is all gorgeous, but I really like the Roscoea. There's so many exciting things about Autumn, but it is also a sad time because we know all of our beloved plants will be gone till next year.
Thank you all. The Sedum is a good one, but I think it needs sandier soil. Nice to see you Cajunbelle. I really hate autumn! Not this early part, but the late part, when everything is gone and it's just wet, cold and dark.
Thank you EJ. I need to get a lot more Tango's but I need to find or make a better place for them first.
You still have some pretty blooms Droopy. I really love that Lily and Buddleia. I think I have the same Stonecrop too...do you know it's name?
Somehow or other I missed these yesterday. Beautiful pictures. The Tango lily is soooo pretty, I think I have some of those on order for fall delivery. If not, I will shortly