This could be the last of our colors. We'll be having rain come in this week. I thought you might enjoy our 'Michigans Color Tour' ... 778908.pbw
Beautiful autumn colors, thanks for the tour. Certainlly wish I could say we have the same around here.
Mother Nature certainly puts on a wonderful show of colours doesn't she? Your photographs are really lovely. :-D
Very impressive and beautiful slide show. Boy, you guys really do have some lovely trees there. So deliughtful to see.
Thanks for the tour. The trees are really beautiful. Wish we had the colors, but as long as I get to see them somewhere, is nice.
Thank you for sharing your autumn colours. It's all grey and yellow here, no fantastic displays anywhere.
Thanks for all your comments. All the reds yellows and oranges are really very pretty this year. And the only way I knew to share them was to put them in a slide show for you. I really enjoy walking thru the woods. This last time we even saw a few deer run through ahead of us.
Really nice pictures thanks so much for sharing them here. It's so nice to see this and have it to remember before Jack Frost and Mr Winter hit us!
thank you, In Florida we dont have Fall, or spring or really winter for that matter, so its nice to get to see the seasons, even if we dont get to feel them.