Opinion needed about football stickers

Discussion in 'Interior Design' started by Kenneth, Jul 20, 2008.


Would football stickers on that door look good?

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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  1. Kenneth

    Kenneth New Seed

    Jul 20, 2008
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    York, PA
    Me and my girlfriend are going around about decorating the dining room. I'm a fan of minimalistic design, I don't like clutter. She on the other hand loves to put junk all over the place. This is how it looks now:


    The weird plastic "star" and other items on the dining room table she put there, same with the clutter of little things on the curio cabinet in front of the dog box thing. All I wanted on the cabinet was my dog thing (it's a heat-carved mural of my old dog that died) and in the glass door part I have some wine glasses.

    I know the towel dispenser is definitely not in line with the design ideals, but that's a necessity. My kitchen has no clear walls (too many cabinets) so it had to go there.

    Oh yea, I'm getting sidetracked. Anyway, the argument was because she added a "final straw". She put football stickers on the patio's sliding glass doors. The kind that stick to glass with static, a big football helmet and an Eagles logo. I don't have anything against football, but that totally destroys any attempt at having a "classy" dining area IMO. I let her put her other stuff in the cabinet and on the table already, compromises to keep peace but I'm drawing the line there hehe.

    Do you agree or disagree?
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  3. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Personally I think the football stickers would not look good on the glass door, not because it would interfer with your minimalistic nature but because they just wouldn't.

    Women don't usually 'do' minimalist in anything. There are some who tend to go to the other extreme with so many doo-dads that the room is cluttered but she doesn't appear to be anywhere close to that.

    A few nice bits of decor is a good thing. It gives life to a room and makes guests feel more comfortable and relaxed in your home, which is what you want your guests to feel. And if a bit of her personality has been accepted as part of the decor she also will feel more welcome.

    I take it that you two live together,right? I ask because if you do and you want her to feel the apartment is her home too she needs some space to decorate with her things. If she is really into cooking, then let her decorate the kitchen to her satisfaction and needs.

    Good luck
  4. caseycam

    caseycam New Seed

    Sep 19, 2008
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    dude thats awesome that she wants the football stuff up and you don't.

    ok so i see your point and i agree with you.

    she should place the football stuff in another area of the house or her work place.
  5. Nana

    Nana New Seed

    Oct 14, 2008
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    Montreal Canada
    well,having some decorating stuff around isn't a bad idea,however,the football thing on the window wouldn't ...it will destroy the great view i can see in the back.
    you can still hang it if you want,but not in the dinning area..
  6. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    I'm with you! Tell her "Sometimes Less is More"
    My mother says that all the time. I have some collectibles, antique stuff, but everything has it's place. I'm not a big fan of clutter.
    Good Luck

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