I love that word,,,,Co-operation. Everyone does it at one time or another. Here on the Stew, members trade flowers or seeds, help each other, and give advise when needed on planting or growing. I love THAT word. So here is the co-operation between neighbors here where i live. Our friend Oddvar doesn't have a garden or crops. But he one heck of a fisherman. I have a garden and crops but I don't fish. Kolbjørn fishes, but nothing likes to come home with him. So let the co-operation begin! Oddvar netted a whole bunch of fresh water trout. Each year we give him a sack of potatoes to last the winter and into the spring. I also give him jams, sauces, herb pastes, safts and veggies from the garden. In return he gives us fish from the sea and the lakes of fresh water. Heres a sampling of our co-operation between the 3 of us. First i have some trout, that i gave an egg bath and then dipped in flour, salt and pepper. Ohh these are beauties. They don't get very big. But my word they do taste so good. I pan fried them, very simple like but not to long, they cook very fast. While those are cooking i have already started my very freshly picked of new crop Almond Potatoes that i grow each year. This is what we gave our friend. At the last minute i steamed some broccoli also from the fields. Which our friend also gets a some in bags to freeze. But here is a sampling of the differnt condiments that i make each year. Dill eddik, or vinegar, Gran eddik, or Pine Vinegar that tastes just like balsamic vinegar...great with fish! Also there is Fire, which is red chilis that i grow, Citron Melissa/Siersløk or lemon balm/wild leeks spread. Not shown but was added later to the table is fried garlic that i grow and fry then jar. So here are some of the different condiments that i make from the herbs and peppers that i grow. Our friend also has all these on his table. Dinner is done and set out on the table. Heres the fish fried, the broccoli steamed with just a pinch of rock sea salt and the potatoes boiled also with the sea salt. Don't they just look like almonds? Turn the lights off, candles are lit, plates are served and ohhhh my goodness did we enjoy this meal!! The potatoes have sour cream and fried garlic on them and the rest speaks for itself. But we ended our meal with one of the best wines i think there is, Dandelion Wine. Co-operation,,,doesn't cost a thing, absolutely free, just like this meal. But the satisfaction you get out of co-operating with others is absolutely priceless! Total cost of this meal,,,,0 NKR Friendship with Oddvar,,,, Priceless.
Ummmm looks like a wonderful free meal.Yep co-operation sure paid off. You always have such wonderful looking meals.
You're making my mouth water!!! Lots of fishermen in our area, although my husband isn't one of them. We go out for Friday night fish fries every week...that's a common practice here in Wisconsin, and all area restaurants serve up fresh fish on Fridays. My favorite is fresh water perch, but I also love bluegill and walleye. We do the barter (cooperation!) system here too, trading not only products but labor. Everyone helps each other out and it's a wonderful thing! Wood hauling is a lot more enjoyable when all pitch in to help each other out.
Yep co-operation is definately a wonderful word and it helps all those who indulge in it. It certainly pays off for Oddvar and yourselves. :-D
What a great story Biita. I like it when you show things that you are cooking or have made. The accompanying commentary was good. The food looked so tasty, I could almost smell it. Great fotos. You three must have really had full bellies when you were all done. I really liked the looks of those spuds.
Biita, as usual your food looks so good and your stories so interesting. Co-operation is a wonderful word.
You've got a very nice community by the sound and look of everything. My granny used to serve fresh water trout fried like that. They're delicious! I think you're all lucky that have each other to share with.
Thank you all! When you live way out like we do, not to mention far, far away from the mainland, we have to help each other up here. Not to mention the winters and there is alot of elderly who just can't get out in the snow like they used to. I just wanted to share that so people can understand that community has not gone away. No matter what the age is here. My freeze is stocked with fish now. And in return a loney man who has no wife now has all the things that his wife would have made and stored. We share with other neighbors, and in return they have taught me so much of what i have learned since we moved here.
wow what a meal you had. sure looks good too. I love candle lit meals-very romantic. Also a very nice way to share with others who need a few things.
Thanks all, Its just something that is done naturally here. We eat all our meals with candles, even in summer when we don't need the light,,lol I have lit in almost all my downstairs rooms when we are down there, its just a feeling of relaxing and calm. I sure do go thru alot of candles tho. Thats something i think i need to learn to do and take up as a hobby!