But still a long, looong ways to go. We had a beginning up, but then it fell. So we had to come up with a differant plan of action. These poles are alot heaver then one would think. At the moment we have the pieces laying on the ground ready for assembly. We have been having rain and cold temps to deal with and they're still calling for some snow to come BUT then a small warm up around Wedn. which is what we may have to wait for. We will be building up wood sides for better stablizing. so many ideas going thru my mind for this whole greenhouse. some ideas are: types of fans to use, a way to warm the ground quicker, an irragation drip system, maybe even experimenting with Hydroponics system, then some new pathways around to the strawberries and to the herb garden. Wow my head is rolling, well, better slow back down to just trying to get this monster off the ground for now. I'll post more picts as we continually work on this.
I know you are excited to have one.You will have so much fun with your plants in the winters and spring.
WOW it's going to be massive compared to the one I have. I'm looking forward already to the next set of photographs.
Thanks for this first pic. Ok, so you've got a long way to go yet...but you've made a start. That greenhopuse is goiung to be a real jewel. Keep up the good work. It will offer you so many possibilities.
Wow Petunia, what a great looking green house that will be. I am dreaming of a green house one day, I have no place to put one, but I can dream. It may seem like you've got a lot of work ahead, but focus on the end result and it will run along just fine. Before you know it you'll be planting and posting pics for us of your babies. Keep up the good work.
That's going to be great Petunia, I have two greenhouses but yours really puts mine in the shade. Look forward to seeing the progress photos
I have to get my picts into p.b. and I'll be showing a few more picts. We've had to start all over as that plan didn't work so well. Now we have started from the back and having to brace each section as we go along. picts soon hopefully on Wed.