I have been trying for a few days to get a pic of some of the Titmice that come to the feeder. They hangout with the chickadees and where ever you see one, you will soon see the other. I finally captured them today.
Well done CK as I know just how difficult it can be to capture these little birds with a camera. They certainly seem to love their new feeder. :-D
It's like they know when I am going to take their picture. I can set on the front deck for hours and they feed. But let me go out with the camera and they only go to the far side of the feeder!
Good shot! Those are quite different-looking from the ones we have here. They seem to like that feeder of yours!
They must like it, they empty it in 2 days. And it dosn't mess up the yard like my old feeder did. They used to stand in the feed and scoop it out onto the ground. The only thing that goes on the ground with this one is the cracked corn. And the doves and squirels make short work of that!