I was taking pictures of my birds (imagine that) and all of a sudden they all flew in every direction. Then down on the ground landed this immature Cooper's Hawk. I took a group of pictures and then I could hear a little finch calling (He didn't know the hawk was around) so I clapped my hands and scared the hawk away. No free lunch on me today... As you can see he was turning his head looking all around for his meal...
What a handsome bird that hawk is Sherry. So glad you managed to get such great photographs of him. Our sparrowhawks come down and look around in the same way your Cooper's hawk does. Most of the time they don't catch anything but there are times when I find a circle of feathers and know they've made a meal of one of 'my' little birds.
Great shots as always Sherry. I've never actually seen one land close by. I see them flying over the fields and I'm always glad to see them catch mice.
Wow! Nice pics Sherry. We have Cooper's Hawks here also but they never land in the back yard like that. Thanks for sharing.