everyone has a plant they love, (or 100 plants they love) but when making another post today I realized there are a few plants that I can say I have a very strong dislike for, One being Mother-in-Law Tongue, the other Being Sago Palms so whats yours?
Any annuals. It'd be nice if they became bi-annuals or perriannials. many of them are so pretty only to enjoy them for 1 season only to have to replant them again the next year.
I'm not particularly fond of big-flowering Begonias. They can't take our weather and look sorry a couple of days after we've planted them out.
Those big bush Fuscias; the ones with the purply-maroon flowers always make me feel sad! Don't know why!
I absolutely detest Roses. Insect ridden, disease prone, thorny dead twigs for 6 months of the year, high maintainance for a few manky flowers that turn to mush as soon as it rains or bleach colourless if the sun shines.
Now how did I know you were going to say that Eric My pet hate is forgetmenots. I know gardeners rave about how pretty they are but they multiply so much in my garden they take over. So as you can guess I am pulling out 100's of the little b*****ers at the moment. Every time I go back, more have appeared...UGHHHH :-x
'Ditto' for me as well. They are only pretty for a couple of days.Disesase, thorns, sticks most of the time. :-x
Dracena, or commonly called "spikes". Everyone puts them in the middle of every planter and hanging basket. Yuck!!!
Hmmmmmm, I kind of like all the plants that you all don't like. About the only one that I really, really, really, really don't like is Poison Ivy....and I have scars even 5 years after the encounter.
the plant I dislike most at the moment is non fruiting brambles they grow like wild fire and are a pain to get rid of especially as they have viscious thorns
Yup I do not really care for roses - too much effort - too much attention required. They always just want attention, food, spraying. - Ooh and the pests!. Unfortunately I have two rose bushes in my garden (Not mine roses, my daughter's) and I have to take care of them for her.