Growing Olive Trees in pots

Discussion in 'Trees, Shrubs and Roses' started by olma156, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. olma156

    olma156 New Seed

    Dec 1, 2008
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    The most exciting tree is Olive tree, those blessed by got trees.


    Fist of all I must to inform you that last 20 years, I have a piece of land in south Greece, variety Manaki (is for oil) I have about 200 trees some of those are over than 200 years old, every winter I make a trip to collect the olives and to make them oil in the oil press factory.
    This year I will take photos of all .
    Propagate olive trees from seeds os a little difficult and the seeds must to have special care, usually after eating of a small bird and in bird's dung falled in the ground growing but the seedling are n't similar as the parent tree variety and grafting is needed.

    a) At winter, I cut a branch 0,50 to 1 meter in length and more than 8 inches diameter, I open on the ground a hole with diameter more bigger than the branch and in depth 23-25 inches, I put the cutted branch horizontally in the bottom of the hole and I cover the mentioned branch with any light pot mix (or common ground soil with turf and perlite or any other ready light pot mix), at winter no watering needed Due to rain, but for the first 2 years watering at summer needed, don't leave the mix to dry,
    I do it the same with smaller branch but I put that in my bigest pot.

    After 1-2 years you will see new olive seedlings to grow, these seedlings are the same variety as parent tree that mean's that no grafting need.

    When the seedlings are in diameter of 2-3 inches, dig around the seedling till you found a kind of potato in the base of the seedling, cut the mentioned potato on the bottom that means you must put out the seedling WITH the potato (the potato is the food for the seedling till roots grows), after that, put the seedling (with the potato on its base, in a pot ) with common ground soil and a litle digested dung, watering every week (don't over watering), the next year is ready to replant in ground or in a biger pot, when winter begining.
    With this method you will have many seedlings for many-many years.

    b) At fall, I take a cloth from wool, I put a mix of soil with vermiculite and a little digested dung in it and I cover a part (about 20cm-8 inches) of a thick branch.
    The branch must be length abt 2meters (if it is for pot abt 1,5 m) and width more than 10cm (4 inches), I fasten that around the bramch and I keep it moist, soil must cover the branch around, at spring roots will grow in the soil of the cloth, I cut the branch , of course with the cloth in which are the roots and planted to the ground or in a pot,. first two years must watering evry week.

    c. At January, I cut some branches 1cm thick (1/3 of inch) and 20cm (abt 8 inches) length, I put on each rooting hormones and I sowing in small pots, now they start to grow leaves, but I don't recomend the mentioned method, the fist two are more sucesfully.

    d. Most people buy ready to plant olive trees, in that case choose the grafted plants.

    I don't use any chemical fertilizer to my olive trees in the ground, I prefer fresh and pure oil.

    Olive trees in pots

    I use the bigest size of pot, I open on the bottom much as possible holes, I put 2-3 inches charcoal , well drained soil needed.

    About fertilizing I use 20-20-20 fertilizer for adult trees (every 15 days) , before fruition seasom I use a fertizir high in phosphorous (is the middle number) usually at January till March (every 15 days also), and for the young trees I use a fertilizer high in Nitrogen (is the first number) every 15 days.
    I use the half of the recomended doze.
    Many times I prefer to use manure (only from goats or sheep and not fresh), I use also another fertilizing method by fresh manure from goats or sheep.

    Roots of olive trees in pots, going up to the surface of the soil, so when I watering, I prefer to watering all the surface of the soil and with small quantity of water.

    After years, mayby the roots brake the pot (if it plastic), so I leave the soil to dry well, I throw out the old pot without harming the ball of soil with the roots and I remove 5 cm (about 2 inches) of the soil (around and to the bottom), I prune the out of the soil roots, and in a new pot I put 5cm fresh soil at the bottom I put againn the tree with their ball (soil + roots) without brake that and I fill arout the ball with fresh soil.
    Is better to lay down the tree.
    Finishing I water the new pot (small quantity of water).

    Watering a potted olive tree, I prefer to do it with an watering can, moit all the surface of the soil with a small quantity of water, I have also droping system (in summer 3-4 minutes every day is enough, but every 7-10 days I prefer the watering can.

    Many times in winter when the soil dry out I water the pots.

    And a suggestion about olive tree, sit under an olive tree and you fill that all the stress of the day will gone, do it and you will remember me.
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  3. olma156

    olma156 New Seed

    Dec 1, 2008
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  4. toni

    toni Mistress of Garden Junque Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Jan 7, 2006
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    North Central Texas, Zone 8a
    Very interesting information. I don't think the climate is right to grow them here but it was interesting reading about them.

    Do you get a good sized crop from the trees growing in the pots?
  5. olma156

    olma156 New Seed

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Hi Toni,
    olives size, are about the same.
    About fruits, are smaller, but with very sweet taste.
    I think if you like olive trees you can pot a young tree and at winter you can bring it in you house, also there is a variety for cold climates, if you are interesting for I can inform you.

  6. EJ

    EJ Allotmenteer Extraordinaire

    Jan 10, 2006
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    I have a little olive tree in a pot which I keep in the garden. They are quite hardy although I did think I had lost mine last year, but I gave it a hard prune and it grew like crazy again. This was a purchased plant.

    Can you eat the raw fruits or are they only any good for oil or preserving? I love olives, any type, colour or size. YUM!
  7. olma156

    olma156 New Seed

    Dec 1, 2008
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    you can eat any variety of olive, but you must to prepare it before (fist in water for a couple of days and after to put it in water withsalt-venegar and pieces of lemons) I can send you mine formula).
    In a few days I will go to south Greece, I will collect my olives for oil, I have a small farm and I upload picturs.

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