I just got a puppy two weeks ago and my puppy is always cold outside when I walk him. Should I get a sweater coat for him?
Congrats on your new family member! You didn't say what kind of puppy or where you live, but a sweater may be a good idea. Especially if it is short haired and you have severe cold temperatures.
Where do you live? In a cold climate. If so, I am sure your litte furry friend would appreciate some type of warmth when outside. Good luck with the house breaking!
If your puppy seems cold it would be wise to get it a coat or sweater and if its in snow they have paw boots for pets as puppies feet can frost bite.My daughter's little Yorkie had the boots too.
It certainly wouldn't hurt. My Newf wouldn't stand for one, but my older Golden might appreciate a coat these days. Temps have been below zero here for several days now. Have fun with your new puppy!
Another reason to have boots... if your 'baby' has to walk in the snow. If they walk where salt may have been used, that can also badly irritate their paw pads.So besure and wash his feet.
My grandbeagle, Basil, loves his sweater when it is cold out. My daughter started him with one when he was a young puppy, and he loves to put his clothes on now. If your puppy is that cold when he goes for his walk I would get him one.
I have had 3 toy poodles and all 3 loved their sweaters. My Chia used to bring me his when he got cold. You need to start him off young though if you want him to continue wearing it.
I always feel bad for little dogs, i would get him a sweater and even a pair of boots......i dont think they make sweaters big enough for my 200lb dog!!
After I ask the question, I thought perhaps you were talking about a St. Bernard! I had no idea they weighed that much. I'll bet he/she is a beauty.
Basil brings his sweater to us when he is cold too. We were co-owners of a St. Bernard once, I loved him so much, but would not own another one in Louisiana, it is just too hot here.