So I was wandering can I grow live cat nip for my cat indoors? Also will she eat it and throw up everywhere or just smell it and go crazy?
I tried some fresh and the dried with my cat when she was alive and she did not even like it...didn't pay any attention to hopefully someone else can answer you.
You can probably grow it inside. I have some outside and pick leaves when I want to give mine a treat. They do want to eat it! I won't let them. What I do is rub the leaves to let the oils come out on their toys. I have 'Flour' who has a very sensative stomach and is on special food. I would hate to see what would happen if she were able to get ahold of a leaf! If you do grow it inside, you can expect them to get into it. It may be a good idea to keep it out of their reach and let them have it when you can control when and how they get it.
Oh OK well I might just keep it out side then There's not to many places that get sun through the windows and is out of her reach.
I've never had much luck growing it I bought some at PetCo in a small pot. I've never paid $5.49 for anything that small in my life!! :-x It's a dinky little plant but I do love my cat so I splurged She could care less. She likes the dry stuff but doesn't even notice the fresh plant. Deanna :-D
Yea I never tried the fresh but my cat goes nuts with the dry. You have to watch your step when she's on it cuz she will fly out of nowhere run under your feet jump off the couch and out onto the screened in porch.
It's funny how it affects cats differently. I had one that would only rub it behind his ears & chin, and another who would devour it.