So I picked up 4 (what I believe are croutons) same color they just have a corkscrew look to them and 5 poinsettias for free today. The guy helping me had no idea about either one of them. So I was wondering how to care for them as far as little/no sun and if that is all I would have to worry about? Thanks
Ponsettia Hi Newgrow I bought a croton about a month ago and now its dying, but I found out they have to have alot of sun and water so now mine is coming back nicely. and for the ponsettia I know it needs water and alot of light, I put mine in the backroom and it is still even blooming Big Time both of them, Im so happy about that, Because I thought it was dying , and now its beautiful,I bought all of them around Thanksgiving.Its been nice talking with you Margie
Well that will help out a lot thanks. So far they are doing ok but a little wilted I should water them a bit more then. Thanks.
Yes, Croton's need a lot of light to maintain their coloring and ample moisture. They do appreciate some extra humidity if you can provide it. I don't have mine anymore (gave away), but I used to have it placed over a saucer filled with water/pebbles for the humidity. Also if you can group it among your other houseplants; some humidity can be provided via evaporation from them. I've had the same Poinsettia since fall of 2005. They are a shrub native to the Mexican forests that can grow up to 10 feet tall and as wide! Mine prefers to be in my east facing window vs. the west and is allowed to dry out a little between watering. The potting medium should be very well draining. After the bracts begin to fade and fall off you can cut it back to about 6". Within 2-3 weeks you should start seeing some new growth. Water only sparingly until new growth begins...don't allow it to shrivel up though. During the growing season it will enjoy going outdoors in a location protected from afternoon sun and wind. I received this one from the 5 crops of Poinsettia I had to raise during my final quarter in school (rec'd my greenhouse/nursery management degree)and I've had it ever since. I've also taken cuttings from it over the years. They will root really well in straight moistened perlite. In order to get your Poinsettia to color up again (coloring of the bracts)by the holidays you will need to give it a short-day period (or 14 hrs. of complete darkness) consecutively for anywhere between 7-11 weeks depending on the cultivar. The SD period should start with the fall equinox (Sept. 21st). Once color begins showing you can treat it again as normal Total darkness can be achieved by placing the plant in a dark closet, room, a box, ect. for 14 hrs. each day. So if you put it in darkness at say 5 pm. you would bring it back out into light at 7am. No light what-so-ever can interrupt the dark period. If it does the process starts all over again! Hope this helps a bit...sorry so windy :O