So my wife and I went to our local nursery and there was just too much to look at. We have an above ground pool that is 24 foot in diameter with 5 foot intervals as posts. She was thinking Crotons every 5 feet. I was thinking ok but maybe colorful flowers in between them. Well then she said we have a 14 month old daughter and want to play in the pool without bees and wasps flying around. My question is... What are some plants that are cheap and only grow about 18 to 24 inches high that do not attract bees and wasps?
I wouldn't plant Crotons, they are a plant that doesn't do well in full sun, they need a bright light but not sun. Also, they are included in lists of poisonous houseplants because of the burns caused by the sap in their leaves and stems if those are punctured, broken or cut. And if ingested it can cause burns in the mouth and throat so it is best to keep them away from small children and pets. Carnation, chrysanthemum, daisy, red dianthus, geranium, marigold, rose, strawflower, zinnia and some believe they are not attracted to any red flower for some reason. Also, night bloomers, small flowers that bees can not crawl into, those with no fragrance.
WOW thanks I did not know that guess I need to do some research on some plants. Some of the ones you named are some of witch my wife likes. I have already mulched all the way around the pool and put rock under my patio. Although my patio is and has been under shade for a long time. I think the summer time it will be in the full sun. So I am at a stand still util I figure it out. I never wanted plants until now so I never payed attention as when the sun changes from winter to fall.