On Sunday I was outside edging the gardens. This is the view out my living room window this morning: I was NOT impressed and neither was this bird: At least there are a few things blooming inside. My Oleander has a few blooms and I'm trying to figure out why one is white when it has always bloomed pink! My Bougainvillea cutting is blooming too
we have a light covering of snow that fell over nite. but snow flakes are still flying about at the moment, don't think we should get much though. It's just the fact that its 'SNOW'! Like everyone here says: it came early and we've had too much of it to enjoy and everybody is just sooo ready for spring to come. I have silverdollar, small jumping jacks, latana's, blue bonnet, coleus, all that up at least an inch and wanting to feel the warm weather of outside. (but not today)
We had snow showers mixed with rain showers yesterday. Came down pretty good at times too. This morning we had a few flurries that were coming down off of Lake Michigan.
These are the nice, big, wet, heavy flakes that stick to everything and cause real damage. This combined with the 65mm of rain we got last Friday and Saturday makes everything really wet. The Township seems to have been caught off guard with this storm as no roads have been plowed. (I think all the plows had been removed for the season) 15 cm of snow now and counting...
We didn't have any snow. It did get cool, but not freezing. There was a light frost. I haven't been out checking but I did take the covers off my beans and cucumbers so they could get some sun. I'll have to go open the greenhouse vent pretty soon. It's going up to 70's or 80's today and 80's for the next 10 days with some thunderstorms thrown in here and there. dooley
beautiful pics netty! looks like us three days ago...we're heading up to 67F today, woohoo! i imagine it's heaading your way once we're done with it!
Oh Netty I was hoping the snow had decided to abandon you and to have moved away by now. I'd be champing at the bit waiting for it to melt so that I could get outside. Thank goodness you have those lovely blooms inside to keep you going until the weather improves. Fingers crossed you'll be able to get out into your garden again in the near future.
I'm sending out 'stop snowing vibes' - hope they work. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Snowing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> for >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Netty >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PLEASE!! and send her some sunshine.
Oh Netty, I am so sorry for your rotten weather. Hope it all clears up soon so you can get to gardening.
Oh, man, Netty! I thought having freezing temps in April in Virginia was bad but, well, that's just not fair! Hope it melts soon! Vic
Well, it's not snowing right now, but the weatherman says we will have a few more squalls blow thru today and the clearing skies and a high of 10°C by the weekend. Lovely.
Its a beautiful sunny 58 degrees day here in Montana but is calling for snow tonight and then rain the rest of the week.Netty I hope your snow moves out soon.