Norwegian Bumble Bees. I caught this one, sneaking into the house. I told him if he stopped and posed I would open the window to make it easier for him to go back out. Imagine, he just came right in the front door and didn't even knock first! He was big too! See he has a white bum! And I kept to my word, after he posed I opened the window and let him back out to go visit the flowers and most probably the neighbors house.
It was very nice of that bee to pose so nicely for you Biita! I haven't seen any bees yet this spring, but then again there isn't much blooming yet.
hmm, them are a bit diffferant then our yellow and black bumblebees. I've seen a few this year already. so kind of yours to pose. I like seeing differant bugs others here may have.
What a nice fellow, good looking and certainly knows how to strike a photogenic pose. I imagine he was a bit stunned by the polite reception he received from you and wanted to pay you back.... most people would start swatting at him to scare him off.
Well KB did go all Viking on the poor guy, trying to beat it up. After I had a fit that he would hurt the bee, he ran to the bedroom with Balder who ran with his tail between his legs at the first buzz,,,lol. (my big bad rottweiler,,,un-huh) When I got the camera out, and was trying to get a pic while it was buzzing around the window, KB come out of hiding, stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders and told me he would protect me. (I had made a few comments on his Viking-ness) lol. I think he was just more curious to see if the bee would co-operate. Balder never did come back.
Oh, my, then the bee was at the point of doing anything you said just to get out of there. Uh, brave Viking protecting his woman, you never know there might have been another one in there just waiting to catch you off guard and attack from the rear.
Haha. That is a good story Biita! I have never seen a bee with a white back end. Variety in nature never ceases to surprise.
The big Viking was protecting you from behind. I love it! It is rather ominous looking. I don't like bees, wasps, etc. but they do seem to like me! It looks very big, but what size was it?
We have those big white rumped bubble bees here too Biita. We also have ones with red and orange bums as well. I don't mind them paying me a visit indoors now and then but much prefer seeing them in the garden. Your handsome chap obviously wanted everyone here at GardenStew to admire him as much as you did. :-D
Thanks all!! I haven't stopped teasing KB and his manlihood. At one point I think i heard him growl....maybe it was the neighbors dog, i don't know. But he knows i'm teasing. The bee is as long as an American quarter, and about as fat as a dime. Euro wise, i would say as almost as long as the 50 piece, and wide as the 1 piece. Have to think on that its been awhile since i seen Euro's. Norsk wise it was as big as a 10 NOK and half wide as a Crown. He was a big boy!! Eileen i have seen the ones here too with the auburn bums. They are soooo pretty!!
I like those big bumblebees and generally they don't bother me. It's the wasps that I don't like. I do swat them. dr got stung by a wasp when we were putting up cord for the morning glories. They are out on the porch. He opened the shed the other day and there were some in there. He needs to spray good in there soon. I'm glad your bumblebee made it back outside okay. dooley
Cute bumble bee, Biita. They visit me when I sit on my deck. Just a little wave keeps them from crashing into me. They don't seem to have a great sense of direction, but they like my container gardens.
Lovely bee! I also gently show them the way out if they buzz into my house. They're nice to have around. By the way, I think it's a she, the queen bumble bee, on a mission to find food for her larvae and start her colony again after the winter. I hope your big, tough dog and husband do better with other uninvited guests.
Love your white tailed bee.I saw a different one here in the tulip bed that had a bright red spot on its tail .I have never seen one like it and it wouldn't pose for me like yours did Biita.
Very nice fotos. I really like those big bees. I had no idea that Norwegians domesticated them. hee hee hee.