What do y'all think about The Wollemi Pine? :-D http://www.ancientpine.com/about_front.htm http://www.wollemipine.com/aboutwp.php
A very attractive tree but I doubt that I would want it in my garden as it they grow so tall. However, if you have plenty of space then certainly buy one.
Sounds right up your alley, Jon. But like Eileen, it wouldn't fit in my little yard.... you must have "land" as opposed to a yard!
Well, its that my yard is so empty. I only have two gardens, one in the back and one on the side. The rest of the yard is whatever was either here when we moved in or is growing naturally. I want something that will stand out for sure, but still not sure whether to plant it or keep it in a pot.
It is a lovely tree. Consider those around you also when planting. A neighbor (who has long since moved) planted a sequoia on the south side of my little 4 tree orchard (the orchard is more than 50 years old). That sequoia tree has grown and is now shading all that little orchard. Trees are so lovely, but are so long lived. I vote for keeping it in a pot. I've done that with a pine and cedar that are lovely, but are semi-bonsai.