As soon as my wife gets home from work, we will be leaving on vacation. See you around 1 June. Every body behave while I am gone. Especially you Eileen! 8)
Me misbehave - NEVER!! I hope you both have a great holiday CK and that the weather is kind to you. for now - we're going to miss you here.
Have a good vacation!! Catch a lot of fish! We'll try to keep Eileen in check or maybe help her with some mischief. Let's see, hmmmmmm, what can we help her with. dooley
Have a good vac. Capt. and don't forget the camera. We'll be waiting for picts of those fish when you return.
Oooh Lekker (Afrikaans for nice) Just enjoy every moment and look after yourselves. I cannot wait for June to hear about all the stuff you will get up to. :-D