Hi all. Well you have all said such nice things about my wifes pictures heres another one. I think she is talented too and wish she did more but she just does one or two when she feels like it. My visions of being a kept man I guess wont materialize..... I like this one too ( photo / image / picture from PeterGreenMan's Garden )
I bet those pics have earned you sure earned you brownie points. The pics are so pretty and bright. And she does have a unique style of painting.
Hey Peter, your wife is a great artist, thanks for the pictures and hope we will see a lot of new one.
I like her painting a lot! She's got a special style and like you I wish she'd do more. Thank you for sharing.
Beautiful picture, It looks like its done in soft pastel, My favourite medium. She is a very talented lady, she HAS to do more.
This may sound daft but your wife's paintings remind me of sunshine and sorbet. If I had one on my wall it would always be able to make me smile. They're just so uplifting to look at. :-D
Hi all. What can I say... We are both over the moon about what you have said about my wife's pictures. She thanks you kindly for your comments. So due to popular demand!..... here are two more. The one with the black nose is one of our Staffies. ( photo / image / picture from PeterGreenMan's Garden ) Korni ( photo / image / picture from PeterGreenMan's Garden )
I love them!! I would absolutely love them on my wall, and our daughter - who is dog crazy, would love the staff. Very talented indeed. Anymore to show us??
You can't just show us two !! I want MORE!! The one of the Staffie is fantastic and I think the shading on the mountains really adds depth to the first. I think I'm getting addicted to your wife's work.
Oh, they're just wonderful. I'm sure they bring her much pleasure to create. They sure do bring pleasure to view! Does your wife ever show her work?
You have been saying lovely things and I can say with much joy, that yesterday we went out and bought some more paper! So, fingers crossed, there may be some more pictures in the making. To answer one of your questions, yes she has sold in the past but is very reluctant and stops working if there is any pressure..... which I think is a pity. I've added two more of her pictures, one of our other dog that she never finished and another one I never liked but love the colours. Thanks again for your comments. Peter ( photo / image / picture from PeterGreenMan's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from PeterGreenMan's Garden )
Her paintings are all really spectacular. The one you posted on Sunday is so fun to look at. All the happy, pointy houses loving where they are and enjoying their world. No pressure because I certainly don't want her to stop painting, just anytime she has another one finished we would love to see it.