**viney plant, narrow folded leaves

Discussion in 'Plant ID' started by egoreise, May 27, 2009.

  1. egoreise

    egoreise Seedling

    Jun 4, 2008
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    Billings, Montana
    Ok, so I've got this really pretty viney plant growing on the fence. It seems to be growing pretty slowly, but each year about this time, new vines sprout out and look for things to cling to. Once it comes in contact with something, anything, it sprouts little stems that twine around. I once noticed a stem that went crazy trying to find something after it grabbed onto a sliver in the tree stump. It curled in all directions. It was a little clump of crazy curls.
    The plant requires absolutely no care. I've never watered it. It's just there! The most I've done is guide some of the new vines this year to keep it from covering my new planter too much.

    mystery plant 4 ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden )

    mystery plant 3 ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden )

    mystery plant 2 ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden )

    full plant ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden )
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  3. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    I think it it looks like Virginia Creeper.If so you might wont to find a way to kill it.It does get way invasive.It took over Heathers yard and trees all was dozed out but was coming back when I was there not a month ago.Its all over Billings.

    Some folks dislike its aggressive growth habits and are intent on killing Virginia creeper. Since it grows so high, it's impractical to try killing Virginia creeper (a mature plant, that is) by spraying its leaves. Instead, cut the vine's trunk (near ground level), then apply the strongest concentrate of glyphosate (Roundup) you can buy to the fresh wound. An organic method of killing Virginia creeper is to dig it out, but this is easier said than done, as the plant spreads via rhizomes.
    Is Virginia Creeper Poisonous?:
    Since Virginia creeper is one of the plants mistaken for poison ivy, many people wonder if it is "poisonous" in the sense that poison ivy is poisonous. The sap flowing through Virginia creeper vines does contain oxalate crystals, which can be an irritant for a small percentage of people. If you're unsure as to whether you're one of those people, don't touch Virginia creeper, since the result of contact could be a nasty skin rash. Nor should you eat Virginia creeper berries.
    Growing Virginia Creeper: Caveats:
    If you live in eastern North America, you probably don't need to grow Virginia creeper in your yard, because chances are good that it's growing nearby anyway, perhaps along a road you drive every day (where you can get your fill of Virginia creeper!).

    But if you live somewhere where Virginia creeper is not a native plant, perhaps you've considered growing it (many have). If so, keep some caveats about Virginia creeper in mind:

    Virginia creeper is a vigorous grower and may get out of hand if not kept in check with equal vigor.
    Sticky, disk-like appendages on its tendrils adhere to wall siding, making it difficult to remove. Don't grow Virginia creeper on walls unless you wish it to be permanent!
    Virginia creeper will climb trees and cast shade on their leaves, thus depriving them of needed sunlight. Don't allow Virginia creeper to grow on specimen trees
  4. egoreise

    egoreise Seedling

    Jun 4, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Billings, Montana
    That's it! I knew I'd feel silly when someone came along and IDed it within the hour. :p

    Virginia creeper indeed. Now I need to figure out if I want to kill it or not.

    Apparently the invasive factor varies? It's been here since I moved in two years ago and hardly changed at all. Found a bunch of people online saying they have no problem.
    I haven't found anybody at home with a sensitivity to it, and I seem to be able to either redirect or chop off the vines that are going places I don't want them to.

    It's very pretty, but I'm also worried about my guests getting nasty rashes and fevers. Oh, decisions....
  5. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Virginia Creeper is very very invasive here too and I am always on the prowl for it. And yet I see it offered in garden centers so one man's invader is another man's pretty vine, I guess! It will tear up a stucco wall or brick though. Also can provide a quick screen for a less than perfect view too ;) .... hmm....

  6. stratsmom

    stratsmom Flower Fanatic

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Southern Oregon
    I have it growing on the chain link fence along the dog kennel. It shades it really well. It's funny that it grows wild all over the country except in my yard :D I tried and tried to get it started. I must have planted a dozen starts from my neighbors house! I love the way it hides chain link! Mine has finally gotten to the point that I prune it away from the garage, it will attack siding and roofing if you let it :rolleyes: My plan this summer is to get it started along our back fence. That poor old fence is about to fall down and can use all the support it can get! I love the red leaves on this vine in the fall!
  7. glendann

    glendann Official Garden Angel

    May 19, 2006
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    It was not a fun thing in Heathers yard.It had cover everything around in her yard .Lilacs,snowball bush,Honeysuckle trees,Two humongous blue Spruces.Right now its was just Springing up about 8 inches.
  8. egoreise

    egoreise Seedling

    Jun 4, 2008
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    Billings, Montana
    Yep. And a less than perfect view is what I have! Anybody want to stare at the back of a roofing business?

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