These are my kids! Here's Malaya. We've had her for about 9 months. She was a year and a half when we got her from my boyfriend's mum. She had picked Malaya up from the animal shelter on a complete whim on her way home from a long hospital stay. We took her because both of my boyfriend's parents are disabled, and she kept running out their door into traffic. She's a doll. Has some behavioral issues, but she's a complete mamma's girl. She gets mad at me sometimes for several days at a time. Like when I shaved her hair and she was fine with it until my brother saw her and laughed uncontrollably until she was too embarrassed to come out of her kennel. Or when I left her at home for a weekend trip and she had to stay with a bunch of guys instead of me. getting ready to pounce my camera ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden ) lookin' sleek ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden ) And here is Kohu. We just brought her home about a week n' a half ago. I went with my best friend to "help her pick out a kitty." You know how that goes..... the house turned out to be absolutely filthy. Lots of desperate, dirty animals. I couldn't just leave her there! I tried to call my boyfriend to see if it was ok, honestly! But there was no cell reception out there. on her way home for the first time ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden ) And here is Kohu with her brother, Chewie: Kohu and Chewie ( photo / image / picture from egoreise's Garden )
What a lovely furry family you have. The photograph of Malaya on the setee is really lovely and should be framed. Chewie and Kohu are gorgeous cats and those eyes are such a beautiful blue. Thankyou for letting us get to know your pets. :-D
You are a big hearted animal person! How lucky are Malaya and Kohu! They're cute too. And not to forget Chewie -- the shot of the sibs is really pretty.
Thank you, Eileen and daisybeans! I'm actually considering seeing if my mum will do a portrait of Malaya using that picture as a guide. She's a professional artist. Kohu was named for her color compared to Chewie. Originally, they were calling Chewie "Yasu Mizu" or Mizu for short. It's Japanese for, "Calming Waters Within." But after a couple days getting used to their home, he wasn't such a calm kitty. He's actually quite spunky, and he responds to Chewie. Kohu is maori for, "mist." That's what her eyes remind me of. Plus, look how she looks sitting next to Chewie! And Kohu is a playful sounding name, which fits her personality.
Thank you, Droopy! ACM, that's because we both know that four legged children are easier to deal with when they get into their teens.