Is this trillium? Seems like it had blue flowers on it last year? ( photo / image / picture from Tammyd's Garden )
I don't think it is a Trillium. The leaves are wrong and too close to the ground. I don't know what it is, though.
It looks like what I have been finding in my yard this year too. Tradescantia fluminensis a member of Spiderwort family which includes the purple leafed Wandering Jew plant. See what you think. It can be invasive when it likes where it is growing but if it, like mine, is in a place that needs a ground cover, it can be controlled.
It doesn't look like the trillium that I planted at our lake place. We were just there last weekend raking leaves and I found it to be in full bloom. The leaves on the plant in your picture don't look the same as mine. John