Didnt know where to put this...I found a spider earlier today. I was getting up to go into the bathroom, and I brushed something off my arm that turned out to be a spider After I got over the willies, I was going to take a picture, but the batteries in my camera were dead >_< So, it was black. Id say about the size of a Brown Recluse (we get those around here too). And it had a pattern on its back. A kind of golden/tan color, the most distinct part of the pattern was a diamond shape near the back of the abdomen. I tried looking on Google but havent found anything yet...
I've searched around and can't find anything quite like the spider you describe Jen. I know there are a few different types of garden spider that are black with similar markings to those you describe. I just can't find an exact match.
I've taken a few in the Garden If you want to see if it looks like any of these, or if you like spiders, SPIDERS.
Just kill it. LOL Just kill it. Don't take any chances. I didn't read through this whole forum yet, and wondering you are not infested are you?
Its the only one Ive seen for quite awhile. I wasnt able to kill it (I cant kill spiders, yuck, I take em outside if I can), I tried to trap it to get a picture, but it got away (and my batteries were dead >_<)