Hello - I have 2 Susan Magnolia bushes on the side of my house that I planted 2 years ago. They have taken and are doing fine. But I have a problem with them now. Both of them are attracting a huge variety and numbers of flying insects. I've seen regular bees, wasps, hornets, yellow jackets, and many that I've never even seen before! It's not a few, each bush can easily have over 30 of them flying around them at any time. As I said above, it's not just one type of insect, it's a huge variety, so it's not a nesting issue. What I have seen is that the bushes have begun to produce a black-colored sap that is easily seen on leaves, stems, etc. That seems to be the culprit behind why so many insects want to hang out there. I need to control these insects though. One of the bushes is right next to our front porch, so there is a stinging hazard present. Not to mention I have 3 boys under age 10 running about. I love the bushes but it's just a matter of time before someone in the family gets stung. I sprayed the bushes with some of the Seven insect killer that I use to prevent Japanese Beetles. I applied it this morning and once this afternoon but there seems to be no lasting effect in getting the insects to stay away. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
I went out to check the bushes and yes, there indeed is scale on them (and pretty severe in places). Looks like I need to focus on removing those things now. I had noticed those bumps before but never knew that they were a problem. Now I know! Thanks a ton for your help with this!