Our Backyard Habitat...fall/winter 2008-09...

Discussion in 'Member's Gallery' started by SusanLouise, Jul 23, 2009.

  1. SusanLouise

    SusanLouise Seedling

    Jul 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Hello All,
    Finally, I finished sizing pics of our furry and feathered visitors/residents from last fall and winter. Our backyard looks a bit different since we had built a new garden this past Spring where many of the feeders are in these pics. The feeders will all be going back up, just more toward the center of the yard. Currently we have only 2 feeders out which is plenty for the birds that frequent our gardens/backyard in the summer after all the other birds migrated through this Spring.
    I'll try and tell a story as I add the pics (several) so please, don't forget to read under each pic...Enjoy!
    The 1st 2 pics are of our "habitat/backyard" showing our set-up with a heated birdbath and all the feeder/stations...

    These are all of the feeders/stations ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    The heated birdbath...look at the wet area around it! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    The birds would wait in the trees while I filled the feeders... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    Our 6 resident squirrels we feed... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    One of them enjoying some liquid refreshment... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    and another being King of the feeders... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    and another making friends with a feed bag...LOL ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    and this one is just too cute! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    This one doesn't think it's a "squirrel proof" feeder... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    What could be more fun than foiling a squirrel? HA! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    One of the local bunnies... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    One of the local Sharp-Shinned Hawks... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    And one of several Dark-Eyed Juncos... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    House Sparrows taking their bath...how cute! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    then having dinner... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden ) 8)

    and then relaxing... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    A Downy Woodpecker... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    and a family of House Finches... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    One of our 5 Bluejays giving a European Starling grief... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    A mated pair of Crows enjoying peanuts... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    A HUGE flock of European Starlings on their way... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    Hopefully this explains the large wet area around the birdbath! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    Can you guess how many? ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    Here's the Goldfinches...we had as many as 82 on one day! ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    There are 12 Cardinals in this pic (6 male, 6 female)... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )

    And last, but not least, the Mourning Doves... ( photo / image / picture from SusanLouise's Garden )
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  3. kuntrygal

    kuntrygal Texas Rose

    Sep 3, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Texas ~ Zone 8
    Susan I love your backyard menagerie. I can only imagine what your feeding bill must be! :rolleyes: I love all the pics and what great shots they all are, but my two favs are the ones with the birdies taking their bath. How long have you been feeding? They certainly know right where to come to. Thanks for sharing your terrific story and pics. :p
  4. SusanLouise

    SusanLouise Seedling

    Jul 21, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Hello Gaylyn,
    Glad you enjoyed the pics!
    Hmmmmm...the cost per month was between $120-150 a month. The only hard part was cleaning and filling the birdbath 3-5 times a day. Sometimes, no sooner I would have just filled it with nice warm water (even with the heater), and there would be birds lining up to use it. I'd have enough time to have a cup of coffee and then I'd have to go back out and fill it again. There would be times that some of the birds would look at the empty birdbath...then look at me as to say "Hey, when are you going to fill our tub?" :rolleyes:
    But, I wouldn't trade all of that for anything...pure joy and delight seeing all the visitors and knowing that we had helped many survive the winter... :)
    Last year was our 1st year feeding birds and gardening! I guess we jumped in with both feet at once...LOL
  5. petunia

    petunia Young Pine

    May 13, 2006
    Likes Received:
    northern michigan
    Birds. You sure do have alot of them. To see them coming in the sky and then into your yard. Did you have just as many this summer as you did last winter? Wonderful shots, thanks for sharing.

  6. Sjoerd

    Sjoerd Mighty Oak

    Apr 11, 2006
    Likes Received:
    It's nice to see so many birds and other wildlife. It looks like your yard is packed with it.
    A nice variety as well.
  7. eileen

    eileen Resident Taxonomist Staff Member Moderator Plants Contributor

    Feb 7, 2005
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    WOW!!! Your feeding station certainly puts mine to shame!! You have such a variety of wildlife visiting you and I'm so glad you decided to share your photographs with us.
    Some of your birds are familiar to me over here in Scotland but others I've never seen.
    I have Great Spotted woodpeckers here instead of Downey's and Sparrowhawks instead of your Sharp - Shinned Hawks. Starlings we have aplenty and Housesparrows as well as Crows. Our squirrels are grayer than yours but look similar in every other way. Lastly we have Woodpigeons and Collared doves as apposed to your Mourning doves.
    I find it so fascinating to compare visitors to our gardens don't you?
    Thank you for all your delightful shots and I hope you'll post many for us to see and enjoy. :-D
  8. daisybeans

    daisybeans Hardy Maple

    Mar 28, 2009
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    annapolis md
    Thoroughly enjoyed seeing the pics and story. I just laughed. You all take such good care of the birds and critters. Looks like they all bring friends and family! Those squirrels are hilarious. I have a particular soft spot for the doves... they are so sweet and trusting.

    To the bird feeders of the group -- do you ever have to contend with cats from the neighborhood? I often think I'd like to add some specific feeders but am afraid I'd be setting the birds up for attack... My kitties are insiders but there are a couple who are not. Any tips?
  9. Frank

    Frank GardenStew Founder Staff Member Administrator

    Jan 25, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Galway, Ireland
    I must say, you love birds Susan. That's quite a feeding bill! :eek: But for such great shots I think it's a wise investment :) Thanks for posting your photos.
  10. Jewell

    Jewell Incorrigible Gardener Plants Contributor

    Dec 17, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Puget Sound Region of the Pacific NW,Zone7b
    Wonderful feeding station! Keeping your yard open certainly helps to keep them coming and still be able to see the entire flock! Thanks for sharing :)
  11. TheBip

    TheBip Young Pine

    Mar 25, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Columbus, IN zone 6a
    I love the pic of the Jay yelling at the Starling *lol* I would love to have that many birds in my yard, and squirrels are so cute even though they can be annoying at times. Bunnies are just plain cute :)
  12. gardengater

    gardengater Young Pine

    May 30, 2008
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    I'm amazed at all the creatures you feed. You are a truly dedicated bird and animal lover. Here in the southern coast we attract the usual Cardinals, Bluebirds, Blue Jays, Goldfinches, Hawks and Eagles. Thankfully the last two don't come to the feeders. We have a resident bunny also. I loved the photos and hope there will be many more.
  13. Sherry8

    Sherry8 I Love Birds!

    Nov 6, 2007
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    Wisconsin...zone 5
    Great pictures...good to meet another squirrel lover. I only get one once in a while now that we moved but we used to have over 12 of them..
  14. Droopy

    Droopy Slug Slaughterer Plants Contributor

    Aug 11, 2007
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    Western Norway
    I'd give a lot to be able to sit and watch all your friends feed, Susan. :D You're really putting lots of work in for your feathered companions, and I can tell they love the attention. I also adore squirrels and their antics. :D They're such fun to watch.

    I hope you'll be doing the same thing next winter, 'cause then I get to see the photos.
  15. gardentoad

    gardentoad Seedling

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Beautiful pictures. You are one of the few really dedicated wildlife enthusiasts.

    Have you ever considered joining National Wildlife Federation? They are really nice people.I took a course from them and became a Backyard Wildlife Habitat Steward. Now I spend a few hours each year helping other people create backyard habitats.

    There are some things you can do that would save you an awfull lot of work. For instance. a small pond with a recirculating pump would save you from having to clean out a birdbath so often. If the pump runs the water won't freeze as often so you would only need to turn the heater on for sub zero temperatures.

    Planting some native flowering bushes that make berries will provide healthy food for the birds. They generally only eat about 20% in seed.Bushes will also offer them some protection against preditors.

    If you provide places for them to nest they will patrol your gardens for bugs to feed their young so you won't have to use harsh chemical controlls.
    You will find watching them raise their chicks very entertaining. I especially enjoy watching robins teaching their young to hunt.

    I am by no means putting down your set up. I think it is wonderfull that you are doing this. I have found that when it is so much work and expense that people tend to slow down or stop after a while so I wanted to suggest eaiser ways to provide for them.
  16. Gardengirl

    Gardengirl Young Pine

    Sep 25, 2008
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    Bembridge, Isle of Wight
    I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all your photos Susan and your running commentary. I am a bird lover myself but only have a couple of feeding stations, although do get quite a variety of birds visiting and the occasional squirrel.
    I agree with gardentoad, we have a pond with a stream and a fountain and the birds absolutely love it, especially the blackbirds who love to bathe in the stream. As we keep our pump running all the time it provides a constant supply of running water and does not freeze in the winter.

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