Here are some pics of my maters. This first one is the Early Girl Planted May 1st. This is the Big Boy, planted the same day. And this is a close up of the Big Boy. The bigger ones are about the size of my fist. The Early Girl is about 1 1/2 ft tall and the Big Boy is close to 5 ft tall. I got the first ripe mater off of the Big Boy on July 1st and one off the Early Girl 2 days later. We have eaten about 15 maters off the Big Boy and 3 off the Early Girl. The Early Girl has 10 maters on it and the Big Boy has 82. Which kind would you plant next year?
I have always loved the Big Boys Capt.I haven't planted them in about 3 yrs. but its my favorite tomatoes.For sure plant them again next year. How did you keep the Racoons out of them this year.
They were too busy digging up flowers! The Big Boy had a fench around it, that I took down once it got about 2 ft tall. The early girl has the fence around it and they didn't bother to climb it for some reason.
Yeah,Capt'n Kirk--that's what I'm talkin' about! Great-looking toms plants. It looks like your fruits are developing quite nicely indeed.
Those are delicious looking maters you have there Capt! I love the Big Boy and always had them when I had my garden. I had a BLT today and I'll bet that it would have tasted better with a Big Boy than the Roma that I had. Although it was good!
I'm glad the racoons didn't get your tomatos this year.I notice one the other evening in my back yard and I sure hope he was just passing through.
When we have sweet corn, I throw the cobs over in the woods. The coons come in the night and drag them off. That keeps them busy all night long. Almost every evening we have a couple of coons come through the yard and they check over where I usually throw the cobs to see if they are going to have anything to eat!