This morning it is a nice cloudy and cool August day. A big relief from the weeks of high 80-100 degree weather we had most of July. Those record breaking temperatures gave us a record breaking water bill. Twice last years bill. What a whopper. I was just relieved that it wasn't more. I have never watered as much as I did this year and knew it would be a lot. I was out at 9AM and picked a good parcel of beans, peas, tomatoes and cabbage. Kota didn't eat it all like she did last Friday. I was careful to make sure she was not left alone with my first basket full while I picked the second. My big mistake last week. Who knew she would eat a full basket of vegies including the six crook-neck squash and three large tomatoes? The beans and peas we have had plenty of but I was looking forward to some grilled summer squash and fresh tomatoes. No little crock-necks today, maybe later in the week. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Saw possum scat in the garden. The possum had gotten into the garden and eaten half of a large cabbage while we were gone for the week-end. I am guessing it was the one that Ciara has caught twice and twice it has played dead and survived. Good thing Ciara isn't our old TM or the poor possum would be a dead possum. We still have lots of cabbage and it probably did me a favor since I am not sure what I am going to do with so much cabbage coming on so early. I went ahead and picked the smaller head so as not to encourage the possum. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) The squash and pumpkins planted around the yard are taking over. It's fun to see. ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) ( photo / image / picture from Jewell2009's Garden ) Got my first bite from a ground hornet (or yellow jacket) today. It is going to be an early fall at this rate. The top of my foot still smarts where she chewed on me, and I am soaking it in epson salts. The poor things are already being deprived of the queens special food that helps keep them alive and will all die off early. I don't like it when they switch to being meat eater though. Wonder if that means it will be a hard or mild winter in my neck of the woods?
Everything looks great Jewell (does that make you feel better about the big water bill?) My pumpkins are taking over the yard too! I have to keep pinching off the baby ones so I will have the 6 big ones already growing. Is that last one a bird house gourd? I haven't had luck growing them, I'm not sure why.
Hello Jewell--an absolutely delightful posting.It is so nice to see other people's veg, and hear their stories. You show a nice variety of things. I caught myself drooling when I saw that first piccy. You must be pretty proud of yourself, eh? Well done!
Thanks Netty, Eileen and Sjoerd for the nice compliments. Netty the last is a hubbard (winter) squash. It is too cool and probably too here for the gourds to grow. Like you I've never had any luck with them.
Cor, what a lovely bounty in that first photograpg - a joy to see. And your squashes around your lovely garden seem to be going great guns. They do grow at quite a rate don't they. My daughter was stung by a wasp yesterday and did she have a good ole cry, so my sympathies are with you on that one.
You sure got a bounty of veggies and your garden is wonderful.Next time you get any kind of sting grab the jug of clorax or bleach and dab it on the stink stops the pain immedately.
Thanks Glendann for the tip. It was a bite and a half. The black jackets are especially bad this year, even biting the dogs ;(
That works on almost all stings.Wasp included.Good luck.My mom was always fast at getting it and dabbing it on.
Your garden is lovely, and I drooled over your veggies. Your pumpkin in so big already. I guess you've got better conditions for them than we have, but it's fun to try anyway.