Hello all, My cottage garden is slowly coming along. I am to the point where I need to take out the old sidewalk that goes up to the front porch. The cement is 4 1/2 inches thick, does anyone have any suggestions on the best way to break it up and dispose of it? We were thinking about renting a jackhammer, but we are kind of afraid to!!! Thanks, JoAnn
Do you have a local freecycle or rEcycle list or even Craigs list. Put out an offer, let them know that how they get them up is up to them so come prepared for heavy work. If you decide to pull them up and haul them away, be sure to check with your city to see if they will be accepted at a landfil. Our city will not pick up any concrete.
Years ago we removed a parking slab and rented a jackhammer. It took my husband a bit to get the hang of it, but it was the only way to go. And Toni's right about checking with your municipality, as not all will take concrete.
I think a jackhammer is your only real solution. Just remember, whoever uses it, will need ear defenders and should only use it for no more than 10 minutes at a time as the hammering action can take a toll on the arms and hands.
I have a big old sledge hammer down at the Mequon house, it's free. Actually there may even be 2 there, along with a pick. That might fix up Erich's neck pretty good.