We had a big storm today.Hail, high winds,thunder and lightning ,lots of rain . High wind and rain ( photo / image / picture from glendann's Garden ) The yellow flowers by the deck is my sun flower on the ground. Sun Flower and hail ( photo / image / picture from glendann's Garden ) Water running and standing everywhere. Water standing and running and chairs upside down ( photo / image / picture from glendann's Garden ) Pot plants ,chairs and rain,and hail coming down. ( photo / image / picture from glendann's Garden )
OMG Glenda that's some weather you're having!! What a shame your sunflower got damaged. Let's hope that's the only thing that has come to grief and that everything else can be saved.
Your photos scared me. I'm so glad you're OK and I hope nothing was badly damaged, other than blooms and such.
Glad you're OK. Looks like you stayed safely inside during the storm. Hope you didn't have any crops. That hail can be killer to any fruit still on the trees or any ground crops about to be harvested.
Sorry to hear about those storms hitting you all yesterday. I had heard there were some south of us but didn't know where for sure. I would have been happy to take some of that off your hands so it wouldn't have been so bad.
Thank you all.We did so much need the rain as its been so long without rain I think since May 1 st.we have had about 1/2 inch.I took pictures mostly through storm door and windows and through the door opened a little.I was walking the floor from door to windows.
Looks like that really blew things around. I would have been pacing back and forth like you did. We got the tail end of your storm later last night. Rained some, but not nearly enough.We didn't have all the wind though. Just brought cooler temps by a few degrees. Think it is suppose to cool down here starting tommorow. I am so ready for it too.
Those strong storms can be scary! I'm glad not too much was damaged and you got some much needed rain.