We went to Dow Gardens and spent the day. Here are some some of the flower picts. p.s. (for more, visit my garden page album) water fall stream ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) flower patch at Dow Gardens ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) water feature, Dow Gardens ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) orchid from the orchid room ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) from the rose garden ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) from the rose garden ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) white roses ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) so many different coleus ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) one hard worker in the field ( photo / image / picture from petunia's Garden ) There was so much to see, only 110 acres of gardens and trails and a conservatory. I had a wonderful time walking around these flowers and gardens.
Those coleus plants look fantastic all planted together like that Petunia. Love the garden worker - so lifelike. :-D
Well Petunia, I've never heard of that place, but it looks like a nice place to visit. Many different settings. Yoiu must have been over the moon there, looking at all that beauty. Can you identify some of those flowers in the border in the second foto down from the top? What a good day you must have had.
What lovely pictures, and I love the worker, I could do with him on my allotment! Plenty of colour and I love the waterfall and stream.
That sure looks like a place I'd like to visit! I was wondering about the blooms in the second photo too ~ especially the bluish ones. Do you know what they are?
The 2nd pict-you know, I can't remember as there were sooo many flowers. I'm almost thinking maybe verbena (?) but not sure, you may not want to quote me on that. Thanks for the comments.
Ok Petunia, I just thought that you might have recalled. Thery are a lovely shade of purple, aren't they?
That place looks like my kind of place. Thank you for sharing the photos. I liked the worker too. I'm certain he doesn't make much noise.
I enjoyed the pictures here and in your album. The sunbridge was a wonderful picture with the reflection. What a nice public garden